Yellow Beef

Published Categorized as Cow, Meat

Yellow Beef 黄牛肉 (huáng niú ròu)

Calories: 125kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Build muscle and Supplement nutrition
Not Suitable for: Liver disease, Kidney disease
Introduction: Yellow Beef is a type of meat known for its warm and nourishing properties. It is particularly suitable for individuals with Qi deficiency and is often considered the preferred meat for dietary therapy in such cases. The nature and taste of yellow beef are classified as warm, sweet, and belonging to the Spleen and Stomach meridians in traditional Chinese medicine.Yellow beef is high in creatine, which serves as a source of muscle fuel. It can effectively replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and thus improve endurance during muscle exercise. Consequently, moderate consumption of yellow beef can have certain effects on muscle growth and strength enhancement. Yellow beef also contains vitamin B6, which, when consumed in appropriate amounts, can supplement nutrients and promote protein synthesis, aiding in the recovery of bodily functions. Additionally, yellow beef is rich in iron, and consuming it in moderation can help improve iron-deficiency anemia.It is important to note that consuming yellow beef together with brown sugar may cause bloating and is not conducive to overall health. Similarly, eating yellow beef with honey may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea, thereby affecting one’s well-being.

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