Wenchang Chicken

Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Wenchang chicken 文昌鸡( wén chāng jī )

Calories: 174kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Supplement nutrition, enhance physical strength, and maintain beauty
Not Suitable for: Damp heat constitution  obesity hypertension  diabetes
Introduction:  Wenchang chicken is a high-quality fattening chicken named after Wenchang City in Hainan Province. It is characterized by a small body, vibrant feathers, short wings and legs, round shape, thin and smooth skin, and delicious meat. Wenchang chicken is rich in protein, easy to digest, and can be easily absorbed and utilized by the body. It can be consumed moderately by individuals with partial malnutrition or digestive system disorders. Wenchang chicken has a low fat content, mainly consisting of unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health. Additionally, Wenchang chicken meat is rich in vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, iron, potassium, etc., which play an important role in promoting human health. Wenchang chicken meat has a mild taste and sweet flavor, which can tonify Qi, nourish blood, invigorate the spleen, and supplement the stomach. It also contains a certain amount of collagen, which can improve skin condition and elasticity. Furthermore, it can enhance physical strength and improve immune function, making it suitable for individuals with weak constitution.

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