Wen Si Tofu

Published Categorized as Hunan cuisine, Major styles of cooking

Wen Si Tofu“文思豆腐”(wén sī dòufǔ).
Wen Si Tofu, with its unique preparation method and texture, has become a star in the culinary world. Every bite of tofu is delicate, smooth, and layered like a piece of art. When tasting it, the fluffy and delicate texture of the tofu gradually unfolds in the mouth, as if a gentle breeze brushes against the soul. Tasting Wen Si Tofu feels like also savoring the taste of nature. The beans used in its production come from sunlit fields with fresh air, filled with nature’s gifts. Each bite of tofu contains abundant nutrients that nourish the body and soul. It is like the essence of nature condensed, bringing us endless beauty.

Comprehensive rating:

480 min 5 min 6 Tender 、smooth Challenging

Ingredients for Wen Si Tofu:

Silken tofu 200g
Female chicken 1000g
Salt 5g
Suger 5g
Green onion 10g
Wood ear fungus 10g
Carrot 10g


1.Choose a fresh hen. When selecting, pay attention to the cleanliness of the chicken’s appearance, whether the skin is shiny, and if there are any odors or obvious damages. Ensuring good quality chicken is key to making delicious dishes. Before handling the chicken, we need to thoroughly clean both the inside and outside of the chicken. Place the chicken in running water and gently rub the surface to remove dirt and impurities. Then, use a sharp knife to carefully remove the internal organs, ensuring the interior is clean and tidy. Once the chicken is cleaned and the internal organs removed, we can begin deboning the chicken breast. Place the chicken on a cutting board, use a sharp kitchen knife to cut along both sides of the breastbone, and gradually separate the pieces of meat using your fingers. Be careful during this process to avoid any accidental injuries.

2.Place the cleaned chicken on a cutting board and use a sharp kitchen knife to divide the chicken into chunks, ensuring that each piece of chicken is similar in size. Then, prepare a large pot and pour an adequate amount of water into it. Add some chopped green onions, ginger slices, and garlic cloves to the water – these seasonings will provide aroma and extra flavor to the chicken meat. Ignite the heat source and wait for the water to come to a boil. Once the water starts boiling, gently place the chopped chicken pieces into the pot. Adjust the heat to low and let the chicken simmer in gentle heat. This process takes approximately two hours to ensure tender and flavorful chicken. During the simmering process, you can occasionally skim off any foam using a sieve or spoon to maintain the clarity of the chicken soup. After two hours, use a sieve or spoon to remove the simmered chicken from the pot and carefully pour the chicken broth into another container.

3.Cut the deboned chicken breast into chunks and chop them with a knife until they become finely minced meat. Ensure the use of a sharp knife and proper cutting technique to achieve even and sticky minced meat. Next, pour the chicken broth into a large pot and gently add the minced chicken breast into the pot. Lower the heat and allow the minced chicken breast to blend thoroughly with the chicken broth while simmering at low temperature. During the simmering process, impurities may be released from the minced chicken breast, forming foam. To maintain the clarity of the chicken soup, gently skim off the foam using a sieve or spoon. This step requires patience and meticulousness to remove as many impurities as possible. Repeat this process and extend the simmering time for at least 6 hours. After each skimming, continue simmering over low heat to fully blend the minced chicken breast with the chicken broth and further remove impurities. After 6 hours of slow simmering, the chicken soup will turn clear like water without any turbidity or impurities. At this point, turn off the heat, indicating that the chicken soup is ready.

4.When preparing tender tofu, start by cutting it into thin slices. Pick up a kitchen knife and gently place the tofu on a cutting board to stabilize it. Cut smoothly and evenly, keeping the blade parallel to the surface of the tofu and aiming for consistent slice thickness. Then, finely chop these tofu slices into thin threads. While cutting the tofu into threads, it’s important to maintain continuous cutting motions without stopping, ensuring the fine and smooth texture of the tofu threads. At the same time, proper knife skills and pressure should be applied to achieve the desired fineness. Qualified tofu threads should be able to pass through the eye of a needle, serving as a reference criterion.

5.Once the tofu threads are cut, soak them in lightly salted water for about three minutes. This step helps remove the original taste of the tofu and adds a slightly salty flavor. Using lightly salted water ensures minimal impact on the texture and tenderness of the tofu threads. Next, prepare scallions, wood ear mushrooms, and carrots. Wash the scallions, remove the root and outer layers of dirt, then cut them into thin shreds for later use. Ensure a sharp knife so that the shredded scallions are more even and slender. Soak the wood ear mushrooms in warm water until softened, then wash and trim off the tough parts along the edges. Cut the softened wood ear mushrooms into thin shreds and place them on the working surface alongside the tofu threads and shredded scallions. To add color and variation in texture, we can also prepare some shredded carrots. Wash and peel the carrots, then use a shredder or a knife to cut them into thin shreds, creating a more diverse dish. Prepare the shredded scallions, wood ear mushroom shreds, and shredded carrot and place them together with the tofu threads on the working surface.

6.Prepare a deep-bottomed pot and place it on the heat source to heat it up. Once the pot is hot, pour an adequate amount of chicken broth into it and let it quickly boil. Once the chicken broth is boiling, add a sufficient amount of clear water to ensure that the dish has enough soup, making the flavor more rich. Continue cooking over high heat. Next, gently add the cut tofu threads into the pot. Allow the tofu threads to slowly blend with the hot soup, absorbing its delicious flavors. Then, add the shredded scallions, wood ear mushroom shreds, and shredded carrot into the pot one by one. Use a wooden spatula or spoon to gently stir and mix all the ingredients together evenly. Maintain high heat and continue stirring to thoroughly blend the tofu threads with the other ingredients and allow the soup to evenly penetrate each strand of tofu. When the tofu threads become tender and the soup thickens, Wen Si Tofu is ready!


  1. Choose fresh and tender tofu: Try to choose fresh and tender tofu as they are softer and easier to cut into fine threads.
  2. Smooth cutting of tofu threads: When cutting tofu threads, keep the blade parallel to the surface of the tofu and make steady and smooth cutting motions to obtain uniformly thin tofu threads.

When placing Wen Si Tofu on a plate and pairing it with colorful vegetables, they create a beautiful picture. The pure white tofu complements the green of the vegetables, creating a captivating scene. This dish is not only a culinary delight but also immerses people in its artistic beauty. It satisfies not only the taste buds but also evokes a sense of aesthetic enjoyment. Wen Si Tofu is not just food; it is a spiritual pursuit. It represents reverence for nature and the pursuit of beauty. Every bite can be felt with the creator’s dedication and emotions, and every taste is a soulful enjoyment. Let us immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature with Wen Si Tofu, savoring its unique flavors full of artistic ambiance. Let this dish be a bridge for us to communicate with nature and appreciate the beauty of life, turning every meal into a spiritual feast.

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