Weight Loss Meal: Baby bok choy, Tofu, and Wood Ear Mushroom Soup

Published Categorized as Weight loss meal

Baby bok choy Tofu Wood ear fungus is not only refreshing in taste but also has great fat-reducing effects. In addition to being rich in nutrients and low in calories, this soup also provides a good sense of satiety. After drinking a bowl, it can help you stay full for a longer time, effectively avoiding binge eating caused by hunger. This is a crucial feature for people who are trying to lose weight.

Ingredients for Baby bok choy, Tofu, and Wood Ear Mushroom Soup

Baby bok choy 100g
Wood ear fungus 50g
Tofu 50g
Coriander 2g
Salt 6g


1.Prepare the main ingredients, including baby bok choy,wood ear fungus, and tofu. Soak the wood ear fungus in warm water for about 15-20 minutes until they become soft. Then, clean the wood ear fungus, remove the roots, and cut them into appropriate-sized pieces. Clean the baby bok choy and cut it into suitable-sized pieces. Clean the tofu and cut it into appropriate-sized pieces as well.

2.Boil water in a pot and add the cut baby bok choy, wood ear fungus, and tofu. You can also add some cilantro to enhance the taste and nutrition of the soup. Be careful not to chop the cilantro too finely to avoid affecting the texture. During the cooking process, you can add a moderate amount of salt to season according to your taste. If you want a richer flavor, you can also add some chicken powder or monosodium glutamate for seasoning.

3.Pour the soup into a bowl and it is ready to be enjoyed. This baby bok choy tofu soup is a great addition to a weight-loss diet as it not only has a refreshing taste but also has excellent fat-reducing effects. Drinking it continuously for 15 days can help with healthy weight loss and improve overall health.


1.The amount of baby bok choy and tofu can be adjusted according to personal preference. If you enjoy the taste of baby bok choy, you can add more baby bok choy, and vice versa for tofu.
2.When selecting tofu, choose a firmer texture as it will hold up better during cooking and have a more tender texture.
3.If you prefer a lighter soup, skim off any foam that forms during cooking to avoid a greasy texture.

Thisbaby bok choy, tofu, and wood ear fungus soup is a great choice for those looking to lose weight. It not only has a refreshing taste and is nutrient-rich, but also has excellent fat-reducing effects and provides a feeling of fullness. Through this delicious dish, we can experience the charm of a healthy diet. May everyone who pursues health find their own suitable cuisine on the path to weight loss.

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