
Published Categorized as Root vegetable, Vegetables

Turnips 红萝卜 ( hóng luó bo )
Classification: Genus Brassica in the family Brassicaceae
Calories: 32kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Weight loss、Aid digestion、Vascular softening
Not Suitable for: Spleen and stomach deficiency-cold、Chronic gastritis、Threatened miscarriage
Introduction: Turnip is a perennial herbaceous plant.Its roots are thick and have a reddish appearance on the outside, while the cut surface is pale yellow. The stems are stout, gradually tapering to a pointed or tail-like tip at the apex, with a round or slightly heart-shaped or slightly inclined base.The edges have rounded serrations or sawtooth-like serrations.The leaves are herbaceous, with sparse soft hairs on the veins but otherwise hairless on both sides.Carrot sulfide may be the most potent and effective natural anticancer substance among all.Turnips contain an enzyme that can break down nitrosamines in food, greatly reducing their carcinogenic effects.Turnips also contain a significant amount of lignin, which can enhance the phagocytic activity of macrophages in the body by two to four times when it comes to engulfing cancer cells.

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