
Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Classification: Solanaceae, Genus Solanum
Calories: 18kcal/100g
Nutritional value: Anti-aging, cardiovascular disease prevention, anti-cancer
Not suitable for: Individuals with acute enteritis, bacterial dysentery, and active ulcer patients should avoid consumption.
Introduction: Tomatoes are rich in carotenoids, vitamin A, and vitamin C.They have effects such as reducing freckles, promoting beauty, anti-aging, and skincare.They can also treat fungal infections and infectious skin diseases.Niacin helps maintain normal gastric secretion, promotes the formation of red blood cells, and is beneficial for maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels and protecting the skin.Another study has shown that tomato juice also has a certain effect in eliminating body odor.Tomatoes can also balance the pH value of the skin, lighten spots, and whiten the skin.Tomatoes are nutrient-rich and low in calories.When selecting tomatoes, choose ones that are pink, round, with small white spots on the surface, and feel slightly powdery.The stem area should be rounded, preferably with a light green color.The seeds should be sandy yellow, with red flesh and juicy pulp.Avoid buying tomatoes that are pointed, have a high bottom, have edges or irregular shapes.Also, avoid picking tomatoes that feel very light, as these are likely artificially ripened tomatoes.

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