The taste in my memories: Grandma’s Stir-Fried Leeks.

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Imagine that when you step into the house, a tempting aroma comes from the kitchen, which is the aroma of fried leeks from my grandmother. The leeks are rolling in the wok, and my grandmother is skillfully stir-frying them, instantly releasing a rich aroma. Every cut and every flip is full of my grandmother’s love and pursuit of food. When the leeks are fried to golden yellow, my grandmother will gently sprinkle a handful of salt, and then stir evenly with a spoon. At that moment, the whole kitchen is filled with the unique flavor of my grandmother’s fried leeks, which makes people can’t help but salivate.

Ingredients for Grandma’s Stir-Fried Leeks:

Leek 300g
Red pepper 15g
Firm tofu 100g
Preserved pickle 10g
Garlic 3g
Green onion 3g
Light soy sauce 10g
Salt 1g
Chicken powder 1g
Pepper powder 1g
Dried chilli 3g
Sesame oil 3g


1.First, we prepare the ingredients. Wash a handful of leeks and cut into small sections. Half a red pepper is sliced into thin strips and mixed with the leeks to add color. A small piece of firm tofu is first cut into thick slices, then into cubes. Prepare 50 grams of preserved pickle and set aside. Grate one clove of garlic and slice one section of green onion into sections. Add a few dried chili peppers.

2.After all the ingredients are ready, we start cooking. Heat the pan with oil. When the oil is hot, pour out the excess oil and add more to the pan. Add the cubed tofu to the pan, and don’t rush to stir it. Let the tofu set slightly, then gently shake the pan to prevent the tofu from breaking. When one side of the tofu is golden brown, flip it over and continue to cook until the other side is also golden brown. Remove and drain the excess oil.

3.Heat the pan with oil again. When the oil is hot, add the green onion and dried chili peppers and stir-fry quickly to release their aroma. Add the preserved pickle and quickly stir-fry to distribute it evenly in the pan. Then add the cooked tofu, 10 grams of light soy sauce, and stir-fry to combine. Add the leeks and red peppers, stir-fry for a few minutes to wilt the leeks and distribute the ingredients evenly. Season with 1g of salt, 1g of chicken powder, and 1g of pepper powder. Turn up the heat to evenly distribute the seasonings and infuse the ingredients with flavor.

4.Then, pour a little sesame oil over the cooked leeks, making them more shiny and lubricated. Stir-fry for a few minutes to ensure that each leaf of leek is evenly coated with sesame oil. Quickly transfer the cooked leeks to a serving dish, presenting a dish with aroma and color that will instantly whet your appetite. The whole kitchen is filled with the aroma of this dish, making it hard to resist giving it a try.


1.Choose fresh, tender leeks for better taste.

2.After washing, drain the leeks thoroughly, otherwise they will release water when frying.

3.When frying leeks, fry quickly, otherwise the leeks will easily overcooked.

Fried leeks with grandmother are a dish full of memories and emotions. Whenever grandmother serves that golden and tempting plate of fried leeks, it seems like she can feel her care and love. The leeks are fried to be fresh and delicious, emitting a unique aroma that increases people’s appetite. Every bite can taste the unique flavor and cooking wisdom of grandmother, which is a kind of inexplicable happiness. In grandmother’s kitchen, I learned how to cook the delicious leeks, and I also learned to cherish and be grateful. This dish is not only a taste of enjoyment, but also a heritage of love.


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