The recipe for Thread Pepper and Eggs

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

The taste of this dish is unique, as it combines the unique spicy taste of the thread peppers  with the hearty texture of the egg. When it is served on the table, the sight of the steam rising makes people feel warm and comfortable. With every bite, one can feel the care and enthusiasm of the host, which is a taste of home and an expression of love.

Ingredients for thread pepper and eggs

Thread Pepper 350g
Egg four
Green onion 4g
Ginger 3g
Salt 2g
Pepper powder 1g
Mature vinegar 3g
Sugar 2g
Light soy sauce 5g


1.Today, I will share a recipe for “thread Pepper and Eggs”. First, let’s prepare the ingredients. We need a bunch of thread peppers, which we should wash and then cut off the root tips before cutting them into circles for later use. One section of a large green onion, which should be cleaned and cut into four sections before being chopped into granules. One piece of ginger, which should be peeled and cut into small granules, and set aside with the green onions.

2.In a bowl, crack four eggs and add 1 gram of salt to give the eggs a base flavor, 1 gram of pepper powder, and 3 grams of vinegar to make the eggs taste fresh and tender. These seasonings are like mysterious magic powders that will undergo wonderful chemical reactions with the eggs to make the taste of the eggs richer and more layered. Then mix well with a pair of chopsticks and set aside.

3.After the ingredients are ready, we can start cooking. Heat some oil in a pot until it reaches 60 degrees Celsius and a light smoke starts to rise from the surface of the oil. Then pour in the egg mixture and stir gently to heat the egg mixture evenly. The egg mixture should be preheated and quickly set. Quickly turn the pot over and stir fry a few times before pouring it out. The fried eggs shouldn’t be overcooked as they will easily become tough. Here’s a trick: The oil temperature should be higher when frying eggs, and when the oil starts to produce a blue smoke, pour in the egg mixture. The eggs will set quickly.

4.Heat some more oil in the pot until it is hot and then pour in the green onions and ginger to flavor. Then pour in the chopped thread pepper circles and stir-fry over medium heat for about a minute until the thread peppers are cooked through. Then add the fried eggs and continue to stir-fry until they are mixed. Then start seasoning by adding 1 gram of salt and a little sugar. Sprinkle 5 grams of soy sauce over the surface of the pot. Then stir-fry over high heat until the ingredients are flavorful and well-mixed before serving. The spicy and thread Pepper and Eggs are ready to be served.


1.Fresh thread peppers have bright colors, smooth surfaces, and no damage or wilted areas. If the thread peppers are not fresh, they will affect the taste and aroma.
2.When frying, use medium heat and fry slowly without flipping too soon,Wait until the egg mixture sets before flipping it gently to ensure even heating.
3.The spicy taste of thread peppers mainly focuses on the seeds and white part, so be careful not to remove too much when cutting thread pepperrs, and also remove the tips of thread pepperrs to avoid affecting the taste.

The beauty of thread Pepper and Eggs is a hymn of praise to life. It tells the story of nature’s gift, human wisdom, and the passion of life. It makes us understand that behind every dish there is a story, and every flavor can make people remember it forever.

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