The recipe for tea-smoked meat

Published Categorized as Guangdong cuisine, Major styles of cooking

Tea-smoked meat is a delicacy in the world of cuisine, with its unique texture and rich aroma of tea smoke that whets one’s appetite. Though the process of making this dish may be slightly cumbersome, its deliciousness and nutritional value make it worth the wait. In terms of taste, tea-smoked meat is unparalleled. Each bite allows one to experience the tenderness of the meat and the intertwining aroma of tea leaves, creating a distinctive flavor. Apart from being delectable, tea-smoked meat also boasts abundant nutritional value.

Ingredients for tea-smoked meat

Pork 500g
Green onion 12g
Ginger 10g
Garlic 9g
Red pepper 18g
Green pepper 18g
Tofu skin 3 pieces
Salt 5g
Chicken powder 2g
Pepper powder 2g
Oyster sauce 5g
Dark soy sauce 4g
Thirteen-spices 4g
Egg one
Starch 5g
Sugar 8g
Black tea 10g
Aginomoto 1g
Light soy sauce 10g
Mature vinegar 10g
Sesame oil 5g
Chili oil 5g


1.First, prepare 500g of pork, slice it into even thin pieces, and then chop it into small granules. Cut a section of scallion into small pieces, finely chop a piece of ginger, and mix them with the pork granules. Prepare a few cloves of garlic, crush them and chop them into minced garlic. Cut one piece of red pepper into small pieces, and half of a green pepper into small pieces, and put them in a clean bowl.

2.Add 4g of salt, 2g of chicken powder, 2g of pepper powder, 5g of oyster sauce for freshness, and 4g of dark soy sauce to the filling to adjust the color. Add 4g of thirteen spices, and then add an egg. Mix and knead the meat filling until the seasoning is completely absorbed. Sprinkle a small amount of starch and mix it with the meat filling. The starch can enhance the cohesion of the meat filling.

3.Prepare three sheets of tofu skin. Spread the meat filling evenly on the tofu skin. After spreading, use a rolling pin to flatten it, so that the meat filling is more even. Roll the tofu skin from the bottom up, wrapping the pork filling inside, and roll it into a long strip. After rolling all of them, we will start steaming the meat rolls.

4.Boil water in a pot and place a rack on top. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Then place the meat rolls in the pot and steam over medium heat for 20 minutes. The purpose of this step is to steam the meat rolls until they are cooked thoroughly. After 20 minutes, remove the meat rolls from the pot and set them aside.

5.Then heat the pot, line it with a layer of aluminum foil, and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of white sugar and black tea. Place the rack in the pot and place the steamed meat rolls on top. Cover the pot with a lid, heat over medium heat for about one minute, and then turn off the heat when white smoke emerges from the sides of the pot. Let it sit for three minutes. Never rush to uncover the lid, as the smoke from the black tea will help to smoke the meat rolls and give them color.

6.After three minutes, the top half of the meat rolls has been smoked to a golden color, emitting a tempting smoky aroma. The surface of the meat rolls is slightly charred, making them even more appetizing. Flip the meat rolls over and continue heating for one more minute. This side also needs to be evenly smoked until golden to ensure that every side absorbs the smoky flavor fully. When flipping the meat rolls, gently press them to facilitate a better flip.

7.Now let’s prepare the sauce. In a bowl, mix 1g of salt, 1g of monosodium glutamate, a little white sugar, 10g of light soy sauce, 10g of vinegar, 5g of sesame oil, and 5g of chili oil. Mix all the ingredients well and pour them into a small bowl for later use.

8.Remove the tofu rolls from the pot and place them on a cutting board. Use a knife to cut the tofu rolls into even thick slices, about 1cm each. Be careful not to apply too much force while cutting to avoid breaking the tofu slices. Arrange the sliced tofu pieces on a plate, you can arrange them in a certain shape or order to make them look more appealing. Leave some empty space around the plate to make the tofu slices stand out.


1.Choose high-quality black tea leaves, such as Pu-erh tea or black tea, as they have a stronger aroma and can perfectly blend with the meat.
2.The smoking time determines the texture of the meat and the intensity of the aroma. Generally, the smoking time should not be too long to prevent the meat from becoming too dry.
3.During the smoking process, choose a container with good ventilation to allow the tea aroma to penetrate the meat better and enhance the flavor.

Tea-smoked meat is a tantalizing delicacy with its golden appearance, unique smoky aroma, and perfect combination of meat and tea leaves. Whether it’s a family gathering or a small get-together with friends, this dish is a must-try culinary delight.

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