The recipe for Mei Gan Cai Xian Rou

Published Categorized as Staple food

As I take a bite, it feels like I can hear that crispy sound. The filling is a delightful surprise, with tender and juicy meat complemented by the subtly rich and savory preserved mustard greens. Together, they release an enticing aroma and mouthwatering texture in my mouth. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a midnight snack, Mei Gan Cai Xian Rou pie brings satisfaction and a sense of happiness.

Ingredients for Mei Gan Cai and fresh meat pie

Preserved vegetable 40g
Flour 250g
Salt 9g
Pork 200g
Starch 2g
Light soy sauce 3g
Oyster sauce 3g
Green onion 5g
Ginger 4g
Dark soy sauce 2g
Sugar 3g


1.Soak and chop the preserved mustard greens: First, place the preserved mustard greens in a large bowl or basin and add enough cold water to submerge them. Let them sit for 30 minutes to 1 hour to fully absorb water and soften. After the time is up, squeeze out excess water and finely chop the preserved mustard greens. Set aside.

2.Make the dough: In a large bowl or basin, combine an appropriate amount of flour and salt, and mix well. Slowly add water while stirring until a soft dough forms. The dough should not be sticky, but rather soft and elastic. Knead the dough gently, incorporating air to make it softer. Finally, place the dough on a piece of baking paper, cover it, and let it rest for about 20 minutes.

3.In a large bowl or basin, mix the minced meat, salt, cornstarch, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and minced ginger until well combined. If you prefer spicy flavor, you can add a suitable amount of chili powder or chili sauce. Stir vigorously to give the meat filling a good texture, which will enhance the taste of the pie. Lastly, add the chopped green onions and mix again.

4.Stir-fry the meat filling: Heat oil in a pan over medium heat, then add the prepared meat filling. Stir-fry the meat filling with a spatula until it turns golden brown and releases a fragrant aroma. Add some soy sauce and dark soy sauce for color and seasoning, followed by a little sugar to enhance the flavor. Continue to stir-fry until the meat filling is fully cooked and aromatic. Set aside the stir-fried meat filling.

5.Divide and wrap the filling: Place the rested dough on a clean work surface and roll it into a large circular sheet using a rolling pin. Then use a knife to divide the sheet into equal-sized dough portions. Flatten each portion with the palm of your hand, hold it in your palm, and wrap a small spoonful of preserved mustard greens and meat filling in the center. Pinch the edges of the dough tightly to seal and prevent any leakage. Flatten the wrapped dough using a rolling pin. Place the wrapped dough portions on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

6.Baking: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Place the baking sheet on the upper rack of the oven and bake for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, remove the baking sheet, flip the pies over, and bake for another 5 minutes. This will ensure that the bottom of the pies is also well-baked. The total baking time is 10 minutes. Keep an eye on the color change of the pies, and when they turn golden brown, they are done. Once baked, tap the pies on the table to release hot air before enjoying.


1.Handling preserved mustard greens: Preserved mustard greens usually need to be soaked in advance to remove salt and impurities. Soak them in warm water for about 30 minutes, then rinse them with clean water several times. After squeezing out excess water, chop them into small pieces and set aside.
2.Filling combination: Choose fresh meat (such as pork or chicken) and determine which type of meat to use based on personal preference. Make sure to finely chop the meat and mix it thoroughly with the preserved mustard greens to ensure even flavor distribution.
3.Wrapping the filling: When wrapping the filling, ensure that the pastry does not tear or leak. Place an appropriate amount of filling on the pastry and gently wrap it into a suitable shape. Use a fork or your fingers to seal the edges firmly to ensure a secure closure.
4.Cooling and storage: After baking, remove the Mei Gan Cai Xian Rou pies and place them on a wire rack to cool completely. Once cooled, store them in an airtight container to maintain the crispness of the pastry and the texture of the filling. It is recommended to store them at room temperature and consume them as soon as possible for the best taste.

The crispy crust, full filling, rich aroma of preserved mustard greens, and tender meat filling all contribute to a delightful experience. Each bite leaves a lasting impression, as if savoring the sweetness and bitterness of life. This satisfaction not only pleases the taste buds but also represents contentment in life. It arises from our love for food and our love for life. During every afternoon and dusk, let us indulge in the preserved mustard greens and fresh meat pie, savoring the deliciousness and happiness derived from the Jiangnan region.

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