The recipe for mango jelly

Published Categorized as Dessert

In the scorching summer days, nothing is more enticing than a bowl of refreshing and icy Mango Sago with Pomelo. Its aroma and smooth texture make it irresistible, and you can’t help but take one spoonful after another. Today, let’s make this summer delicacy! In addition to its taste, the nutritional value of Mango Sago with Pomelo should not be overlooked. Sago is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, providing sufficient energy. Mango is abundant in vitamin C and carotenoids, which have antioxidant and vision-protective effects. Moreover, the addition of milk and coconut milk provides rich nutritional elements to this dessert.

Ingredients for mango jelly

Ice jelly powder 25g
Mango 20g
Raisin 18g
Ginger 5g
Sugar 8g
Brown sugar 8g
Mint 1g


1.First, we need to prepare 25g of ice jelly powder and 1.5 liters of hot water. Pour these ingredients into a large bowl and stir until the ice jelly powder is completely dissolved. Then, set the bowl aside and let the ice jelly mixture cool naturally. You can also refrigerate it to speed up the process. The refrigeration process will gradually solidify the ice jelly mixture, making it smoother and more refreshing.

2.While waiting for the ice jelly mixture to solidify, you can prepare other toppings. Peel and dice the mango, prepare some raisins, and smash the ginger. The spicy taste of ginger can enhance the freshness of the ice jelly and leave a deep impression in your mouth. Moreover, ginger also has good warming effects and is beneficial to consume in moderation.

3.Next, we need to make the syrup. Add some water to a pot and then pour in white sugar and brown sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Simmer over low heat and add the smashed ginger. As the syrup simmers, the color will gradually become thick and eventually reach a stringy consistency. This process requires patience and attention to ensure that the syrup is fully simmered and reaches the desired stringy state. You can stir it occasionally during simmering to help the syrup heat evenly and prevent scorching. Once the syrup reaches the stringy state, turn off the heat and remove it from the stove.

4.Take out the solidified ice jelly from the refrigerator and transfer it to serving bowls. Then, pour the simmered syrup into the bowls, allowing the cold syrup and ice jelly to blend together. Next, arrange the diced mango and raisins on top of the ice jelly, adding some color and texture. Finally, garnish with a sprig of mint, which not only adds a refreshing aroma but also makes the ingredients in the bowl more enticing. The green color of the mint and the yellow color of the mango create a vivid contrast, making the entire bowl of dessert more appealing.


1.Choose fresh and ripe mangoes for better texture and taste.
2.After stirring the mixture, pour it into bowls and add diced mangoes. Refrigerate until it solidifies.
3.Once solidified, cut into cubes and top with more mangoes. You can also try pouring milk or coconut milk over the jelly and garnish with mint leaves.

While enjoying delicious food, we can also appreciate the beautiful scenery. Whether it’s the vibrant colors in the bowl or the surrounding shade of green trees, it brings a sense of joy and tranquility. Each refreshing spoonful in that bowl takes away the heat and restlessness of summer. Mango jelly is not just a culinary delight, it’s an indulgence. It allows us to taste the deliciousness while experiencing the coolness and beauty of summer. Let’s all enjoy this delicious mango jelly together!


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