The recipe for Cumin Lamb

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

When you take a bite, the first thing you will notice is the tender texture of the lamb, followed by the gradually spreading aroma of rich cumin, which fills your taste buds. The unique flavor of cumin intertwines with the deliciousness of lamb, providing you with an enchanting gustatory experience. This dish also has abundant nutritional value. Lamb is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, offering essential nutritional support to the body. Cumin is believed to have medicinal effects such as promoting digestion, enhancing appetite, and improving blood circulation. Therefore, tasting cumin lamb not only satisfies your taste buds but also brings you pleasure and satisfaction both physically and mentally. Please help me translate this into English.

Ingredients for Cumin Lamb

Mutton 500g
Salt 4g
Pepper powder 2g
Cooking wine 10g
Light soy sauce 5g
Egg one
Cornstarch 9g
Edible oil 10g
Cumin powder 10g
Chili powder 5g
Sesame 8g
Coriander 10g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Rinse 500 grams of lamb with water. Then, use a sharp knife to slice the lamb into thin and even pieces. This will ensure that the lamb cooks evenly and absorbs flavors. After slicing the lamb, place it in a bowl or plate for later use.

2.Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, 10 grams of cooking wine to remove any gamey odor, and 5 grams of light soy sauce to marinate the lamb. Mix and toss the lamb for 1 minute to let it absorb the marinade. Crack an egg into the bowl and mix well. The egg will make the lamb tender and smooth. Sprinkle a small handful of cornstarch and continue stirring in the same direction. The cornstarch will help seal in the moisture of the lamb. Finally, add 10 grams of cooking oil and mix well. The oil will prevent the lamb from sticking together when frying.

3.Next, prepare the seasoning. Cut a few stalks of scallions into small circles and put them in a bowl. The finer the cut, the easier the aroma of the scallions will be released. After cutting, transfer the scallion circles into a deep bowl. Add 2 grams of salt, 10 grams of cumin, 5 grams of chili flakes, and a suitable amount of white sesame seeds. White sesame seeds add both aroma and texture to the dish. Adjust the quantity based on personal preference and mix well to distribute the sesame seeds evenly in the bowl.

4.Once the ingredients are prepared, we can fry the lamb. Heat oil in a pan until it reaches about 50% heat. Pour the lamb into the pan while continuously shaking and using a spoon to separate any clumps. Ensure that the lamb is evenly heated. Once the lamb is firm, use the spoon to break up any clumps. Maintain medium-low heat and fry for about 1 minute until the lamb turns golden and crispy. Remove the lamb from the pan, draining excess oil.

5.Leave some oil in the pan. After it heats up, pour in the seasoning and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. Quickly add the fried lamb and stir-fry evenly. Drizzle a little chili oil to enhance the color.

6.Add chopped cilantro, quickly stir-fry to combine, and then transfer to a plate.


1.Choose high-quality lamb: Select tender cuts of lamb with marbling, as this ensures a moist and tender texture.
2.Control the cooking heat: Pay attention to controlling the heat during the cooking process to avoid overcooking the lamb, which can result in toughness. Use high heat for quick stir-frying to achieve a golden and crispy exterior while keeping the interior tender.
3.Add an appropriate amount of cumin powder: Adjust the amount of cumin powder according to personal preference and taste. If you prefer a stronger cumin flavor, you can add more cumin powder.
4.Garnish with fresh cilantro at the end: When serving, sprinkle some fresh cilantro on top. This adds a fresh flavor and vibrant color to the cumin lamb.

Whether as a main course or a side dish, cumin lamb can add a delicious delicacy to your dining table. It offers a unique and delightful flavor experience, allowing you to savor the Middle Eastern charm and the richness of lamb. Whether shared with family or served to guests, cumin lamb will undoubtedly become an unforgettable culinary choice.

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