The recipe for cabbage and tofu soup

Published Categorized as Soup and congee

I savor a bowl of cabbage and tofu soup. The taste of this soup is refreshing and delicate, like the warmth of winter sunshine. As I drink this soup, I feel a sense of wisdom and tranquil power in life.

Ingredients for cabbage and tofu soup

Baby bok choy two
Tofu 250g
Egg three
Salt 5g
Chicken powder 4g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Take two baby bok choy, gently separate the leaves, and soak them in water. Wash each leaf carefully. Cut a block of tofu into thick slices and then into cubes. In a small bowl, crack three eggs and quickly beat them with chopsticks.

2.Next, blanch the tofu. Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the tofu. Blanch the tofu for about one minute to give it a firm texture. After blanching, remove the tofu from the water and drain it.

3.Then, scramble the eggs. Heat oil in a pan until it starts smoking. Pour in the beaten eggs and cook one side until set, then flip it over to cook the other side. Once both sides are golden brown, pour in the hot water. Quickly bring the water to a boil. The hot water will dissolve the egg proteins, turning the soup white.

4.Add the blanched tofu to the pot and gently stir with a spoon. Keep the heat on high and let the soup boil for a while. If you have chicken stock, you can add a little to enhance the flavor. If not, it’s not a problem. Now it’s time to season the soup. Add a spoonful of salt and, if you don’t have chicken stock, a spoonful of chicken powder. If you like a peppery taste, you can add a bit of pepper powder. Finally, add the baby bok choy and stir it gently to evenly heat the leaves. The soup should have turned milky white. Let it boil for another minute, and then you can serve the fragrant cabbage and tofu soup.


1.After cutting the cabbage and tofu, you can blanch them in hot water first. This helps remove excess moisture from the cabbage and tofu, resulting in a more flavorful cabbage and tofu soup.
2.When simmering the soup, start by boiling it on high heat and then reduce it to low heat. This allows the flavors to develop and the ingredients to become more infused.
3.When stir-frying, start by sautéing onions, ginger, and garlic to enhance the aroma. Then add the cabbage and tofu, resulting in a more fragrant and flavorful cabbage and tofu soup.

In this busy world, let’s slow down and savor the beauty of life. Just like this dish of cabbage and tofu soup, it is simple yet meaningful.

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