The recipe for bursting strawberry toast

Published Categorized as Dessert

As you take your first bite, the sensation of the bursting filling is indescribable. The sweet and fragrant strawberry sauce flows in your mouth, intertwining with the toasty flavor of the toast, creating a blissful taste. Each chew seems to whisper to you, this is the beauty of life.

Ingredients for bursting strawberry toast

Toast 2 pieces
Egg one
Milk A bottle
Strawberry 200g
Yogurt A bottle


1.Firstly, we need two slices of fresh toast, with the crusts removed. Cut the bread into small squares, adjusting the size according to personal preference. The cut bread pieces should be neat and square, presenting an appealing appearance.

2.Crack an egg into a bowl and slowly pour in an appropriate amount of milk. Stir the egg and milk mixture gently with chopsticks or a whisk until it becomes a flowing liquid. Be gentle while stirring to avoid creating excessive air bubbles.

3.Place the cut bread squares into the egg mixture, ensuring that each piece is evenly coated. Do not soak for too long to prevent the egg mixture from penetrating the bread, affecting the texture.

4.Put the bread squares coated with the egg mixture into a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius and bake for 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the bread squares during baking to avoid overcooking. Once the surfaces of the bread squares turn golden brown and emit a delightful aroma, they are ready to be taken out of the oven.

5.Wash fresh strawberries and cut them into small pieces, placing them in a bowl. Pour an appropriate amount of yogurt into the bowl and mix the chopped strawberries with the yogurt until well combined, creating a thick strawberry sauce. The sauce should have a certain thickness to adhere better to the bread squares.

6.Remove the baked bread squares from the oven and place them on a plate. Spread the prepared strawberry yogurt sauce evenly onto the bread squares. Finally, according to personal preference, add some fresh strawberries as decoration. With each bite, you can experience the delightful combination of sweet strawberries, tangy yogurt, and soft bread. As you take a gentle bite, the rich filling bursts in your mouth, providing a unique taste sensation.


1.Use fresh and ripe strawberries with vibrant color, strong aroma, and better texture. Try to choose locally sourced seasonal strawberries for better quality.
2.Choose soft and delicate bread for the toast, as it will blend better with the strawberry sauce. If making the bread yourself, consider adding some cream or milk to increase its softness.
3.When making the cut, avoid cutting too deep to prevent the strawberry sauce from overflowing. The size of the cut should be based on the size of the strawberry chunks, ensuring enough filling without excessive spillage.

What truly makes you feel wonderful is not just the taste of this bursting strawberry toast, but also the feeling it brings you. It allows you to experience the beauty of life, and helps you understand that in the midst of a busy life, taking a moment to slow down and enjoy good food can also bring happiness.

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