The recipe for Amber Sweet Yam

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes, Shandong cuisine

Amber Yam, a unique delicacy, has a golden color and a tempting sweet aroma. When you taste it, its delicious flavor and distinctive characteristics will make your mouth water. Upon biting into it, the smooth texture of the yam and the sweet fragrance of the syrup will envelop your senses. Additionally, Amber Yam is rich in nutrients as it contains various vitamins and minerals, greatly benefiting human health. Not only does it nourish the body, but it also helps regulate the body’s energy balance. It is hailed as a natural health food with multiple advantages, such as boosting immunity, regulating blood sugar levels, and promoting digestion. It is a splendid product for nurturing both the body and mind, bringing health and vitality to people.

Ingredients for Amber Sweet Yam

Iron stick yam two
Rock sugar 18g
Maltose 10g
Sugar 10g
Tomato 6g
Coriander 2g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Take two Iron stick yam and peel off the skin. The white mucous in Chinese yam contains alkaloids and saponins, so if you are allergic, it is recommended to wear gloves. Once the Chinese yam is peeled, cut it into 3 cm pieces. After cutting, place the pieces in clean water to prevent them from oxidizing and turning black. Then, split each piece of Chinese yam in half and place them in a water basin.

2.Place a bamboo skewer in a pressure cooker and lay the cut Chinese yam pieces flat on the skewer. This will prevent the Chinese yam from sticking to the bottom of the cooker during steaming. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, not too much, depending on personal taste.

3.Put a spoonful of water in the cooker and add two spoons of maltose. Maltose helps the Chinese yam to quickly develop a golden color. Heat the cooker on low heat and use a spoon to quickly stir until the maltose melts. Once the maltose has melted, remove it from the heat and pour it into the pressure cooker. Add a spoonful of caramel color. Cover the pressure cooker with its lid and cook for 5 minutes after it starts releasing steam. After 5 minutes, turn off the heat.

4.Let it sit for a while, then release the pressure valve and open the lid, pouring the contents into a soup bowl. Use chopsticks to carefully remove the Chinese yam and arrange them neatly on a plate. The cooked Chinese yam is relatively soft, so handle them gently when arranging on the plate.

5.Now, let’s make the soup. Take two spoonfuls of the remaining liquid from the pressure cooker and pour it back into the cooker. Add half a spoon of white sugar and stir continuously with a spoon to prevent the sugar from sticking to the bottom. As the temperature rises, the liquid will gradually thicken and start to bubble. Once it reaches the desired consistency, pour the cooked soup evenly over the arranged Chinese yam on the plate.

6.Finally, sprinkle a few tomato pieces on top. The tomato pieces should not be too large to maintain their appearance and texture. Add a sprig of cilantro as a garnish to enhance the visual appeal and taste. Now, the delicious and sweet Amber Chinese Yam dish is ready to be served. Before enjoying, you can sprinkle some more sugar or honey on top to increase its sweetness and flavor. Additionally, you can add a sufficient amount of honey or lemon juice according to personal preference to enhance the flavor and taste.


1.When selecting Chinese yam, choose ones with a smooth surface, even texture, and no obvious blemishes or damage. Fresh Chinese yam will be more delicious.
2.Before handling the Chinese yam, peel off the skin. A simple method is to gently scrape off the skin with the back of a knife. This helps avoid wasting nutrients and preserves the integrity of the Chinese yam.
3.Amber Sweet Potato/Yam can be paired with other ingredients such as red dates, lotus seeds, longan, etc., to enhance the texture and nutritional value.

Amber Sweet Yam is a gift from nature. Let us cherish every bite of its flavor and embrace the health and goodness it brings. Whether it’s in the cold winter or warm summer days, Amber Sweet Yam can provide us with warmth and satisfaction. Let’s together savor this heavenly deliciousness that nature has bestowed upon us!

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