The practice of Cold-Beancurd bamboo

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Cold Beancurd bamboo curd sticks have a refreshing and non-greasy taste, which helps us beat the summer heat, rejuvenate and refresh the mind. Bean curd sticks are rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, and phosphorus. The addition of vinegar and other seasoning ingredients promotes gastrointestinal movement, aiding in digestion and stimulating the appetite. Moreover, the inherent savory aroma and chewy texture of bean curd sticks, combined with other vegetables, create a more flavorful and distinctive dish.

Ingredients for Cold-Beancurd bamboo

Beancurd bamboo 80g
Wood ear fungus 30g
Carrot one
Green pepper 20g
Garlic 8g
Peanut Rice 100g
Edible oil 25g
Salt 2g
Light soy sauce 5g
Mature vinegar 5g
Chili oil 5g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Soak 80g of dried bean curd sticks in cool water for two hours. Do not use hot water; it must be cool water for the best texture. Soak a small handful of dried wood ear mushrooms in warm water for two hours as well. Peel and thinly slice a carrot, then cut it into fine shreds. Remove the seeds from half a green bell pepper and cut it into fine shreds as well. Set them aside together. After soaking the bean curd sticks, cut them into segments and place them in a bowl. Trim the soaked wood ear mushrooms and make a small incision if they are large. Add them to the bowl with other ingredients. Crush a few cloves of garlic and chop them into minced garlic. Prepare another small bowl and set aside a handful of peanuts.

2.With the ingredients ready, let’s stir-fry the peanuts. Heat some cooking oil in a pan. Add the peanuts and keep the heat low. Stir-fry the peanuts for a few seconds to evenly coat them with oil. Keep shaking the pan to evenly heat the peanuts and stir-fry for about 2 minutes. When the peanut skins slightly crack and turn reddish, increase the heat to medium-high and quickly stir-fry. The peanuts will start making popping sounds. Stir-fry until the peanut skins turn slightly yellow, then remove them from the pan to drain excess oil.

3.Now, blanch the bean curd sticks and wood ear mushrooms. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add the bean curd sticks, wood ear mushrooms, shredded carrot, and shredded bell pepper. As soon as the water boils again, immediately remove and drain the ingredients.

4.Transfer the drained bean curd sticks and other ingredients to a serving bowl. Add the minced garlic, then proceed to season. Add 2g of salt, 5g of light soy sauce, 5g of rice vinegar, and 5g of chili oil to give the dish a vibrant and shiny appearance. Finally, add the stir-fried peanuts, toss everything together, and transfer to a serving plate. The refreshing homemade cold salad is now ready.


1.To stir-fry dried bean curd sheets, it is important to control the heat properly to prevent the sheets from becoming pasty due to high temperatures. Moderate heat will help maintain the crispy and tender texture of the bean curd.
2.Besides the bean curd itself, adding other ingredients such as vegetables, tofu, seafood, or meat can enhance the complexity of flavors and increase the nutritional value.
3.For the best results, it is recommended to prepare the cold-dressed bean curd in advance and refrigerate it for some time. This allows the bean curd to fully absorb the flavors of the seasoning, resulting in improved texture and taste.

Whether served as an appetizer or a side dish, cold-dressed bean curd is a stunning delicacy. It can be enjoyed as a refreshing summer treat or as a vegetarian dish to meet various dietary preferences. No matter when or where, cold-dressed bean curd brings a wonderful experience to the palate and provides a healthy indulgence.

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