The home-style method of making egg fried with onions

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Scrambled Eggs with Onions is a delicious and healthy home-cooked dish. It has a wonderful texture, combining the softness of the eggs with the crispness of the onions, providing a unique and delightful taste. Moreover, it is highly nutritious. Eggs are rich in protein and vitamins, while onions contain abundant vitamins and minerals. This dish is not only tasty but also healthy, making it a perfect choice for the whole family to enjoy.

Ingredients for egg fried with onions

Onion one
Red pepper 12g
Green pepper 12g
Egg four
Salt 2g
Mature vinegar 2g
Scallion 5g
Pepper powder 1g
Sesame oil 3g
Oyster sauce 3g


1.First, prepare the ingredients. Clean and slice one onion into small pieces. If it’s not separated, tear it apart with your hands. Cut one piece of red bell pepper into diamond-shaped slices. Cut half of a green bell pepper into diamond-shaped slices as well. Clean all the ingredients and set them aside in a bowl.

2.Crack four eggs into the bowl. Add one gram of salt to season the eggs. Add a little vinegar, which can make the eggs tender and remove any fishy smell. Stir the eggs with chopsticks until well mixed. Wash and cut a few sprigs of scallions into sections and add them to the bowl.

3.Once the ingredients are ready, we can start cooking. Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is heated to about 60% hot, pour in the egg mixture. The eggs will quickly solidify. Stir-fry quickly a few times and then remove from the heat. Be careful not to overcook the eggs. The temperature should be higher when stir-frying the eggs. When the oil starts to smoke, pour in the egg mixture, and the eggs will quickly set.

4.Heat oil in the pan. Once the oil is hot, add the scallion sections and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour all the prepared ingredients into the pan and stir-fry quickly until they are half-cooked. Now we can season the dish. Add three grams of oyster sauce, one gram of salt, and one gram of pepper. Stir-fry quickly to combine the seasonings, then add the stir-fried eggs and stir-fry quickly to mix everything evenly. Finally, drizzle a little sesame oil and stir-fry until well coated. Transfer to a plate, and this delicious scrambled eggs with onions is ready to be served.


1.Slice the onion into thin slices to maintain its crisp texture and enhance the flavor when cooked.
2.When stir-frying eggs with onions, control the heat properly. Avoid using high heat to prevent burning the bottom and ensure the onions don’t become too soft.
3.After stir-frying the eggs in the pan, add the onion slices. This will help maintain the crisp and tender texture of the onions, preventing them from becoming overcooked and losing their taste.

Egg fried with onions is a simple yet delicious dish. It not only satisfies our taste buds but also brings back memories of home and warmth. Every time I taste this dish, I can almost feel my mother’s busy figure in the kitchen and the warmth of home. This dish is so simple, yet it brings me endless beautiful memories.

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