The home-style cooking method for garlic baby bok choy

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Although the process of making garlic baby bok choy is simple, its taste is surprisingly delicious. With each bite, the tender texture of the baby bok choy blends with the rich aroma of garlic, creating a refreshing and tasty sensation in the mouth. Its flavor is both delicious and refreshing, leaving a lasting impression.

Ingredients for Garlic Baby Bok Choy

Baby bok choy two
Red pepper 12g
Green pepper 12g
Garlic 6g
Oyster sauce 3g
Salt 2g
Essence of chicken 1g
Pepper powder 3g
Sugar 2g
Sesame oil 5g
Starch 3g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Take two baby bok choy, remove the root, and tear the leaves apart one by one along the veins. Place them in a bowl after washing. Cut one piece of red bell pepper into diamond-shaped slices. Cut one green bell pepper into diamond-shaped pieces as well, and set them aside with the baby bok choy. Take four cloves of garlic, flatten them with force, and then chop them into minced garlic. Once the ingredients are prepared, we can start cooking.

2.Heat oil in a pan, and when the oil is hot, add the minced garlic to stir-fry until fragrant. Add three grams of oyster sauce and stir-fry to dissolve the oyster sauce. Add the baby bok choy and bell peppers to the pan, turn up the heat and stir-fry quickly until the baby bok choy is slightly cooked. Now, let’s season the dish. Remove from heat, add two grams of salt, one gram of chicken powder, one gram of pepper, a little sugar for flavor enhancement, and drizzle five grams of sesame oil to enhance the color and aroma of the dish. Stir-fry quickly to mix and dissolve the seasonings. Just before removing from heat, thicken the sauce by adding a small amount of water starch, allowing it to adhere to the baby bok choy, resulting in a richer taste.

3.Continue stir-frying until the baby bok choy becomes soft and tender, then remove from heat and transfer to a serving plate. After plating, you can sprinkle some chopped green onions or cilantro on top of the baby bok choy as decoration to enhance the visual appeal and texture. The delicious and authentic garlic baby bok choy is now ready to be enjoyed.


1.Pay attention to the heat when frying the minced garlic. When the garlic turns slightly yellow and releases a strong aroma, it can be removed from the heat. Frying for too long will make the garlic burnt and affect the taste.
2.The baby bok choy cooks quickly, so do not stir-fry it for too long to maintain its texture.
3.If you prefer a softer texture, you can blanch the prepared baby bok choy in boiling water for a short time. Blanching not only reduces the bitterness of the bok choy but also enhances its flavor.

Garlic baby bok choy has a fresh and tender texture with a delightful fragrance. Baby bok choy is rich in vitamins and fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and aid digestion. Garlic, on the other hand, has antibacterial and disinfectant properties, which can boost the body’s immune system. This dish is not only delicious but also nutritionally rich, making it a perfect choice for modern individuals.

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