The best recipe for Yangzhi Ganlu

Published Categorized as Dessert

Yangzhi Ganlu is an alluring dessert, with its bright and vivid colors that are truly mouthwatering. Cubed mangoes, combined with elastic sago pearls, create a rich and layered sensation. The coolness and sweetness of coconut milk blend together, providing a refreshing feeling. Finally, a drizzle of sweet syrup adds sweetness and luster, making the entire dessert even more enticing. Give Yangzhi Ganlu a try, and you’ll be enchanted by its beauty and taste, as if you’re immersed in a world of delectable desserts.

Ingredients for Yangzhi Ganlu

Mango one
Sago 50g
Milk 10g


1.First, prepare the mango. Peel the mango and cut it into strips, then dice the mango into small pieces. Place the diced mango in a serving dish and set aside.

2.Next, prepare the sago pearls. Bring a pot of water to a boil, then add the sago pearls and stir well. Cook for about 10 minutes until the sago pearls become thick and sticky. Then, remove the cooked sago pearls from the pot and rinse them with clean water to remove excess starch and impurities.

3.Then, prepare the juice mixture. Take a juice glass and add the diced mango, milk, and some ice cubes. Use a blender or food processor to blend them into a smooth paste. Once blended evenly, the juice mixture is ready.

4.Pour the juice mixture into bowls or cups. Sprinkle the cooked sago pearls and diced mango on top. Additionally, you can add some peeled pomelo segments to enhance the texture and fragrance. Finally, drizzle a small amount of milk over the top to enhance the smoothness and rich flavor. Now, the Yangzhi Ganlu is ready to be enjoyed.


1.Choose ripe and fresh mangoes with even, vibrant color and no visible soft spots or damage. When selecting, gently press the mangoes – if they have a slight give and emit a sweet mango aroma, they are the best choice.
2.Be careful with the cooking time for the sago pearls to avoid overcooking and making them too sticky. Generally, boiling the sago pearls for around 10 minutes is enough to make them soft and chewy. After cooking, promptly rinse the sago pearls in cold water to remove excess starch and impurities while maintaining their elasticity.
3.Using milk to blend the juice adds a rich milky flavor. Choosing full-fat milk will make the Yangzhi Ganlu more creamy and smooth. Alternatively, you can try using coconut milk or other plant-based milk substitutes to add different flavors.

Yangzhi Ganlu is not only a dessert but also a way of life. It represents an unwavering spirit and the courage to persist in adversity. No matter how tough life gets, as long as we hold the sweetness and coolness of Yangzhi Ganlu in our hearts, we can find hope and the drive to keep going. It’s also a symbol of emotions, representing a deep love for life and a pursuit of things that are beautiful. Just like love, it’s sweet and wonderful, enchanting our hearts. Just like friendship, it’s refreshing and comforting, providing solace.

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