The best recipe for Farmer’s Crispy Rice Cake

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

The wonderful aspect of Farmer’s Crispy Rice Cake lies in its versatility. Whether enjoyed plain or seasoned, it caters to different taste preferences. Sprinkling a bit of salt enhances its simple and natural flavor, while adding sauces or dipping it in soy sauce brings a richer taste. Farmer’s Crispy Rice Cake not only delights the palate but also provides nutritional benefits. Through fermentation and baking, vitamins, fiber, and minerals are retained in the rice cake. It is a healthy and delicious snacking choice.
Ingredients for Farmer’s Crispy Rice Cake

Rice 500g
Streaky pork 40g
Green pepper 32g
Egg 50g
Edible oil 32g

1.Prepare a plate of freshly cooked rice and pre-stir-fried filling. The filling is made with diced pork belly, green peppers, and scrambled eggs.

2.Heat a pan and add a spoonful of cooking oil. Pour the rice directly into the pan. Use a spoon to press it down and shape it into a round shape, trying to make it compact so that the rice doesn’t fall apart easily. Shape the edges to make it round. Once the rice cake is formed, cook it over low heat, gently shaking it from time to time to prevent sticking to the bottom. It’s important to use a pan with a pointed bottom for this dish; a flat-bottomed pan won’t create a round shape.

3.Cook the rice cake until the edges slightly curl up and turn golden brown. Then add the pre-stir-fried filling. You can choose any filling you like. Flatten it on top of the rice cake and cook it briefly in the pan.

4.Take a round plate and place it on top of the rice cake in the pan. Flip the pan to invert the rice cake onto the plate.

5.The rice cake, when transferred onto the plate, will look like this.

1.Mix an egg into the cooked rice and add some flour to form a dough. Roll out the dough thinly with a rolling pin and cut it into evenly sized pieces.
2.Heat oil in a flat-bottomed pan. When the oil reaches medium heat, fry the rice cakes until both sides turn golden brown and become firm. Remove from the pan and drain excess oil. Plate and serve.

Whether in the rural countryside or the bustling city, Farmer’s Crispy Rice Cake carries people’s nostalgia for the land and nature. It evokes memories of running and playing in the fields during childhood, allowing us to feel the power and warmth of nature.


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