Tangy and Sweet Sesame Yam

Published Categorized as Dessert

Sesame Yam, like a painting of nature unfolding. Its appearance is pure and delicate, as if covered in soft feathers. Touching them, their smooth texture warms the heart. As they sizzle in the hot oil, releasing a rich aroma, they turn golden and crispy. Taking a bite, the sweet yam intertwines with the fragrance of sesame, awakening a deep sense of satisfaction and delight within. Each bite is a pleasure for the taste buds, and a grateful appreciation for the abundant gifts of nature.

Ingredients for Sesame Yam:

Yam 1000g
Cooked sesame 30g
Egg 100g
Starch 40g
Salad dressing 10g




1.To prepare delicious sesame yam, you will need two fresh yams. Start by washing them thoroughly and then use a clean kitchen knife to cut each yam into small segments, approximately 5 centimeters in length. Next, place the cut yam pieces in a steamer and steam them over medium heat for about 8 minutes, until the yam is fully cooked and tender. Once steamed, you can easily peel off the yam skin using a knife. Be careful not to peel too deeply to avoid wasting too much of the yam flesh.

2.While waiting for the yam to steam, you can start preparing the other ingredients. Crack two fresh eggs into a bowl and quickly whisk them with chopsticks to beat the eggs into a mixture. Next, take another bowl and put an appropriate amount of starch in it, set it aside for later use.
3.Roll the peeled yam segments in the starch, ensuring that the yam is evenly coated. Dip the starch-coated yam in the beaten eggs, allowing the yam to be evenly covered with the egg mixture. Then, press the yam gently into the sesame seeds, ensuring that the sesame adheres to the yam. This not only helps the white sesame seeds stick firmly, preventing them from falling off, but also enhances the crispy texture. Remember to coat all the yam segments in this manner.
4.Next, we need to proceed with the frying process. Firstly, reheat the oil in a frying pan and use a thermometer to measure the oil temperature. When the oil temperature reaches around 150°C, you can begin adding the coated yam segments into the pan one by one.


5.During the frying process, gently flip the yam segments with chopsticks to ensure even heating. Fry the yam segments until they become firm, with a golden brown and fully cooked surface. This typically takes about 5 minutes of frying time. Once the yam segments are fried to perfection, use a slotted spoon to remove them from the oil pan and place them on a paper towel to drain excess oil. Allow them to cool for a moment before plating.

6.Arrange the fried yam segments on a serving plate and finish by drizzling some salad dressing on top. Now, they are ready to be enjoyed!



1.When making sesame yam, choose yams that are uniform in size to ensure consistent texture and taste.

2.When steaming the yam, cover the pot with a lid to prevent loss of moisture and nutrients from the yam.

3.When coating the yam with cornstarch, beaten eggs, and sesame seeds, follow the sequence of coating in that order to ensure better adhesion of sesame onto the yam.

4.When deep-frying the sesame yam, use low heat to prevent the yam from getting burnt.

The yam is pure white like snow, soft, and delicate, resembling graceful musical notes dancing. Sesame seeds sparkle like starlight, shimmering with a faint glow. With each gentle bite, the sweet taste of yam intertwines harmoniously with the aromatic sesame, playing a symphony of flavors in the mouth. The subtle texture brings joy and tranquility, as if immersed in the serene forest, experiencing the charm and vitality of nature. Every bite takes you on a soulful journey, bringing satisfaction and serenity.


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