Smooth and creamy Milk-flavored potato tart

On a quiet afternoon, sitting in the sunroom, I indulge in the delectable milk-flavored potato tart. Before me lies a beautifully crafted work of art, with its delicate potato puree and butter mixture forming the tower-like structure, adorned with a subtle golden hue and emanating an enticing aroma. With one bite, the crispy outer crust…

Categorized as Dessert

Tangy and Sweet Sesame Yam

Sesame Yam, like a painting of nature unfolding. Its appearance is pure and delicate, as if covered in soft feathers. Touching them, their smooth texture warms the heart. As they sizzle in the hot oil, releasing a rich aroma, they turn golden and crispy. Taking a bite, the sweet yam intertwines with the fragrance of…

Categorized as Dessert

Autumn-inspired Crispy Sweet Potato Fries

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries, beneath their golden exterior, hold a delicate sweetness that seems to tell the story of autumn. The melt-in-your-mouth crispy crust is like a gentle breeze of autumn, carrying a hint of coolness as it gently touches your taste buds, bringing forth an indescribable sense of satisfaction. Ingredients for Crispy Sweet Potato…