Spicy Dry-Fried Chicken Neck

Dry-Fried Chicken Neck 干煸鸡脖(gān biān jī bó) Dry-Fried Chicken Neck is a delicious dish that features golden crispy skin and well-browned chicken meat, emanating an enticing aroma. In terms of texture, the skin of dry-fried chicken neck is crispy while the meat remains tender. Each bite offers a rich and satisfying mouthfeel, leaving a lasting…

Flavorful Dry-fried Silkworm Chrysalis

Dry-fried Silkworm Chrysalis干煸蚕蛹(gān biān cán yǒng) Dry-Fried Silkworm Chrysalis is beloved by diners for its unique texture and spicy flavor. This dish features fresh silkworm chrysalis that are deep-fried and dry-fried, resulting in a golden exterior. It is garnished with red chili peppers, cilantro, and white sesame seeds, making it incredibly enticing.Firstly, the appearance of…

Easy-to-make Crispy Noodles

Crispy Noodles干脆面  (gān cuì miàn) Crispy noodles are a highly popular snack that features small and delicately shaped, golden-yellow, long strands sprinkled with various seasonings, instantly arousing one’s appetite. In terms of texture, crispy noodles are crunchy and flavorful, offering a unique mouthfeel that is irresistibly satisfying. Additionally, crispy noodles are convenient to carry and…

Delicious Dry-Fried Cauliflower

Dry-Fried Cauliflower 干锅菜花(gàn guō cài huā) Dry-Fried Cauliflower is an incredibly mouthwatering delicacy that boasts an enticing appearance. The cauliflower undergoes meticulous cooking, resulting in a lustrous golden hue and emanating a rich aroma. Adorned with red peppers and green peppers, this dish becomes visually striking and even more appealing. Each floret of cauliflower absorbs…

Special Recipe for Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms

Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms 干炸榆黄菇(gàn zhá yú huáng gū) The deep-fried Elm  Mushroom can be traced back to the northeastern region of China, where people use this dish to ward off the cold during winter. After decades of development, deep-fried Elm  Mushroom has gradually become a common dish in restaurants and households across China. It not…

Delicious Dry-Fried River Shrimp

Dry-Fried River Shrimp 干煸河虾 (gàn biān hé xiā) Comprehensive rating: PREP TIME COOK TIME VARIETY MOUTHFEEL LEVEL 15 min 25 min 10 Crunchy Moderate RATE THIS RECIPE : ★★★★☆ Ingredients for Dry-Fried River Shrimp: River Shrimp 500g Celery 50g Onion 50g Starch 20g Salt 3g Sugar 1g Peanut Rice 20g Dried chilli 20g Cumin powder…

Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms: Delicious and easy to learn

Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms  孜然香菇 (zī rán xiāng gū) Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms: A dish with a unique texture and flavor. Under the illumination of lights, the golden shiitake mushrooms emit an enticing aroma. Each mushroom is carefully selected and prepared, presenting a consistent and plump texture. According to tradition, this dish was originally crafted by local…

Simplified version of Cumin Mutton

Cumin Mutton 孜然羊肉 (zī rán yáng ròu) Cumin mutton, a dish that embodies colors, aromas, and flavors. Under the illumination of light, the golden slices of mutton shimmer with an alluring gloss, emanating delightful scents. Every piece of mutton is meticulously chosen and processed, showcasing a uniform thickness and consistent texture. According to tradition, this…

Spicy Cumin Potato Slices

Crispy and delicious, Cumin Potato Slices are a delectable appetizer that pairs well with drinks. Their appearance is mouthwatering. Thinly sliced potato pieces showcase a glossy, pale yellow color, evenly arranged on a plate. The surface is generously sprinkled with aromatic cumin powder, giving the dish a unique exotic flair. In terms of texture, the…

Replica Version Zhouhei Duck

Zhouhei Duck is not only a delicious dish but also a cultural heritage. It originated from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and was initially created by the Zhou family. After years of development, it has become a well-known brand of braised food nationwide. Zhouhei Duck is made from selected high-quality duck meat, marinated with a…