Secret Four-Flavor Beef

Four-Flavor Beef is not just a dish, but also a unique culinary art. It perfectly combines the rich texture of beef with four distinct seasonings, creating a dish that is visually appealing and bursting with flavor. With each bite, you can taste its distinct layers and experience a delightful array of flavors that leave a…

Method for making pumpkin pancakes

Freshly cooked pumpkin pancakes, with a golden and crispy exterior, and a soft and sweet interior. I can never resist picking one up and taking a bite, with its perfect combination of a crunchy outer layer and a tender inner texture, filling my mouth with the delightful taste of pumpkin. That delicious flavor is something…

Strawberry Snowflake Pastry Recipe

The taste of Strawberry Snowflake Pastries is unforgettable. The crispy texture of the biscuit shell blends with the delicate texture of the strawberry cream, allowing one to not only taste the sweetness of the cream, but also experience the crispness of the biscuit. The dried strawberry fruits add a hint of tartness, enhancing the overall…

Categorized as Dessert

The home-style recipe for dry-fried Oyster mushroom

The process of savoring Dry-fried Oyster mushrooms is like appreciating a beautiful painting. Every bite allows you to experience the tender texture and rich aroma of the mushrooms. Each mouthful bursts with the flavors of the seasonings and spices, enhancing the dish’s vibrancy. The golden-brown appearance and sprinkling of white sesame seeds further boost the…

A recipe for making flavorful beef cubes

The experience of tasting beef cubes is like reading a wonderful story. As you bite into the beef cubes, the unique texture and rich aroma seem to tell you one story after another about this delicious dish. The savory aroma and crispy exterior make you imagine the process and history of its creation. And the…

Steamed pork ribs with flour

When tasting this steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice, the first thing you’ll notice is the soft and chewy texture of the glutinous rice, combined with the tender and smooth texture of the pork ribs. The ribs are marinated and steamed to perfection, resulting in a more flavorful taste that is difficult to resist. This…

The home-style recipe for tea-scented jumbo shrimp

Tea-scented jumbo shrimp is served on the table, emitting a delightful aroma and presenting an enticing color. With each bite, the shrimp meat is tender, juicy, and infused with the fragrance of tea, leaving a lingering and satisfying aftertaste. The harmonious combination of the tea’s aroma and the deliciousness of the shrimp is truly intoxicating.…

Scallion Pancake: A crispy classic snack

When the scallion pancake comes out of the pan, emitting a tempting aroma, I can’t resist taking a bite right away. The golden crust is crispy, and when I bite into it, it makes a satisfying “crunch” sound, immediately releasing the abundant flavor of scallions. The fresh aroma of scallions and the crispy dough blend…

Home-style Scallion Pancake Recipe

The Scallion Pancake has a crispy and fragrant texture that is delightful. The pairing of scallions and oil adds richness to the pancake. With each bite, the crispy crust and the abundant aroma of scallions mingle in the mouth. That sensation makes me forget all my troubles, leaving only the pleasure of savoring this exquisite…