Sweet pea

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable

Sweet pea 荷兰豆 ( hé lán dòu )
Classification: Leguminosae, Pisum
Calories: 30kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Moisten intestines and relax bowels、 Beautify and slim
Not Suitable for: Pregnant women、Patients with skin diseases、Patients with renal insufficiency
Introduction: Sweet peas are long, oval-shaped or flat-podded legumes.They can be classified as tender pods or tough pods based on the presence and thickness of the inner membranous layer. The seeds can be round, cylindrical, oval, or concave in shape, with each pod containing 2 to 10 seeds.They are mostly green in color, but there are also varieties that come in yellow-white, red, rose, brown, black, and other colors.Sweet peas are mainly consumed for their pods.When buying them, it is advisable to choose pods that are not too wide or thick, as they may lack texture when eaten.Look for pods that are uniformly sized and have a vibrant green color.Sweet peas have a neutral nature and sweet taste.They are known for their beneficial effects on promoting digestion, diuretic properties, treating sores and toxins.They can tonify the spleen and stomach, generate body fluids, alleviate thirst, relieve hiccups and diarrhea, promote lactation, and aid in relieving constipation.Regular consumption of sweet peas can be effective in treating weak spleen and stomach, abdominal distension, vomiting, diarrhea, insufficient postpartum milk secretion, restlessness, and thirst.Applying crushed sweet pea seed powder externally can help reduce abscesses.When cooked into porridge with glutinous rice and red dates, sweet peas have the effects of nourishing the spleen and stomach, warming the body, replenishing body fluids, and strengthening muscles and increasing body weight.

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