String beans

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

String beans 豆角 ( dòu jiǎo )
Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae
Calories: 30kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Strengthen the spleen and stomach、Harmonize the organs、Nurture the spirit
Not Suitable for: People with abdominal bloating
Introduction: String beans are a vegetable that is abundant in the summer.They contain various vitamins and minerals. The tender pods have plump flesh and are crisp and tender when stir-fried.They can also be blanched and served cold or pickled.String beans have long, tube-like pods with a crisp texture and soft body.There are commonly two types: white string beans and green beans.String beans are rich in vitamins B and C, as well as plant proteins.They can help to clear the mind, regulate the digestive system, relieve chest distention, quench thirst, tonify the spleen, nourish the kidneys, and replenish energy.Eating more string beans in the summer can effectively relieve heat and act as a natural diuretic.The B vitamins in string beans help maintain normal secretion of digestive glands and promote gastrointestinal motility.They inhibit cholinesterase activity, aid digestion, and enhance appetite.The vitamin C in string beans promotes the synthesis of antibodies, boosts the body’s ability to fight viruses, and helps prevent acute gastroenteritis, vomiting, and diarrhea.String beans provide easily digestible high-quality protein, moderate carbohydrates, and various vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients that can supplement the body’s essential nutrients.When selecting string beans, it is generally best to choose ones that are evenly sized, brightly colored, transparent, glossy, and have plump seeds.It is not advisable to purchase string beans with cracks, wrinkled skin, excessively thin pods without seeds, or signs of insect damage.

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