Strawberry Snowflake Pastry Recipe

Published Categorized as Dessert

The taste of Strawberry Snowflake Pastries is unforgettable. The crispy texture of the biscuit shell blends with the delicate texture of the strawberry cream, allowing one to not only taste the sweetness of the cream, but also experience the crispness of the biscuit. The dried strawberry fruits add a hint of tartness, enhancing the overall deliciousness of the dessert.

Ingredients for Strawberry Snowflake Pastry

Butter 60g
Marshmallows 120g
Milk powder 80g
Biscuits 150g
Dried fruits 120g


1.Firstly, you need to prepare a suitable amount of butter, preferably animal-based butter for better taste. Choose translucent and soft marshmallows, which will enhance the texture of the strawberry snowflake pastry. Use full-fat powdered milk to enrich the nutritional value of the pastry. Also, prepare some crispy biscuits and your favorite dried fruits.

2.Melt the butter in a pan and cut the marshmallows into small pieces. Prepare the powdered milk and process the biscuits and dried fruits accordingly, such as chopping or crushing them. Pour the melted butter into the pan and then add the marshmallows. Let the marshmallows melt and then add the powdered milk, biscuits, and dried fruits. Mix everything thoroughly using a blender or chopsticks until well blended, creating a homogeneous mixture.

3.Take a large sheet of silicone paper and pour the mixture onto it. Use a spatula or spoon to spread the mixture evenly, forming a small rectangular shape. Then, fold the sides of the silicone paper to wrap the mixture and refrigerate it for 10-15 minutes to allow it to set.

4.Remove the mixture from the refrigerator, unfold the silicone paper, and cut it into small pieces. You can use a knife or kitchen scissors for cutting, adjusting the size according to personal preference. Sprinkle some powdered milk on the cut strawberry snowflake pastry pieces to enhance their appearance and texture. Gently shake the pieces to ensure an even coating of powdered milk on each piece of strawberry snowflake pastry.


1.Choose the right marshmallows. It is recommended to use bulk marshmallows from a large supermarket, preferably ones that are translucent in color and have a soft and chewy texture.
2.Control the amount of powdered milk. Adding too much powdered milk will make the snowflake pastries overly sweet and rich, while adding too little will result in a less crispy texture. Therefore, add powdered milk in moderation according to your personal taste.
3.Pay attention to the heat. Heat control is crucial during the cooking process. If the heat is too high, the snowflake pastries may become bitter and unpleasant. If the heat is too low, the texture may not be crispy enough. It is recommended to use medium-low heat and closely monitor the heat changes.
4.Pay attention to the order of ingredients. During the cooking process, melt the butter and marshmallows first before adding other ingredients for stirring. This ensures that the ingredients are fully blended together, resulting in a more crispy texture for the strawberry snowflake pastries.

Strawberry Snowflake Pastry is not just a pastry, but also a sentiment. It perfectly combines the beauty of spring with sweetness, allowing people to experience endless happiness and satisfaction while tasting it. Every bite takes you back to your childhood, to a carefree and dreamy world.

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