Stir-fried Dutch beans

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Sichuan cuisine

The stir-fried Dutch beans have an irresistible appearance. The emerald green of the Dutch beans pairs beautifully with the fiery red of the chili peppers, like a vivid painting. In terms of texture, the crispness of the Dutch beans contrasts with the mild spiciness of the peppers, providing a unique taste experience. The aromatic garlic and the spicy ginger skillfully integrate into the dish, allowing one to taste a rich layering of flavors with every bite.

Ingredients for stir-frying Dutch beans

Sweet pea 200g
Carrot 50g
Egg 150g
Salt 2g
Chopped green onion 15g
Dried chilli 3g
Oyster sauce 3g
Chicken powder 1g
Pepper powder 1g


1.When preparing Dutch beans, gently pinch off the ends, both the top and bottom parts, to remove any tough portions. This makes the beans easier to eat. Additionally, you can also remove any strings along the sides of the beans to ensure a tender texture. Next, place the prepared Dutch beans in a bowl of water and thoroughly wash them. Washing the beans helps remove any dirt or impurities, ensuring food hygiene and safety.

2.To prepare a small piece of carrot, peel off the outer skin and then cut it into diamond-shaped pieces. This cutting style provides more surface area, making it easier for cooking and for the seasoning to penetrate. Prepare another bowl, crack three eggs into it, and add a suitable amount of salt as a seasoning. Use chopsticks or a whisk to beat the eggs well, ensuring that the egg whites and yolks are fully mixed. By beating the eggs, the seasoning is evenly distributed throughout the egg mixture, ensuring consistency in taste and texture.

3.While heating water in a pot, add about 3 milliliters of cooking oil to the water and wait for it to boil. Adding cooking oil helps maintain the vibrant color of the Dutch beans and carrots and makes them easier to cook. Once the water is boiling, add the prepared Dutch beans and carrots to blanch them. The blanching time is approximately 30 seconds, lightly cooking the vegetables so that they become slightly soft but still retain their crisp texture. After blanching, use a colander or tongs to remove the Dutch beans and carrots and immediately rinse them with cold water.

4.Heat oil in a pan, add the beaten eggs and stir-fry until they are scrambled, then remove them from the pan. In another pan, heat oil and add chopped spring onions and dried chili peppers. Stir-fry until fragrant and then add the blanched Dutch beans and carrots. Season with 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, and 1 gram of pepper once the Dutch beans are cooked but still crisp. Finally, add the scrambled eggs and stir-fry everything together before serving.


  1. Preparing in advance: Before cooking, wash the Dutch beans, remove the ends and strings, and cut them into uniform pieces or keep them whole. This ensures consistent texture and makes it easier to cook them thoroughly.
  2. Avoid overcooking: The Dutch beans should be cooked until they are still slightly crisp, with a charred exterior. Overcooking will make them soft and lose their original freshness and tender texture.


Tasting stir-fried Dutch beans is not just a feast for the taste buds, but also a baptism for the soul. Each bite allows us to appreciate the gifts of nature and the finesse of culinary artistry. While indulging in the deliciousness, we also marvel at the beauty and depth of life. Stir-fried Dutch beans are not just a delightful dish, but also a way of life. They allow us to experience the beauty and tranquility of nature amidst the hustle and bustle of life, enabling us to appreciate the artistic ambiance and style in our everyday lives. Every bite is a longing for and an experience of a better life.

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