Stir-Fried beef tenderloin:The perfect combination of tender and smooth beef with a fragrant flavor

Published Categorized as Guangdong cuisine

Stir-fried beef tenderloin is a dish full of life and passion. When you stir-fry the fresh and tender beef slices with spices, it is like having a heated conversation with life. The bright colors and rich taste are like telling the passion and charm of this dish. Every bite can feel the tenderness and passion of the beef and spices, as if the beauty of life is perfectly interpreted in this moment.

Ingredients for Stir-Fried beef tenderloin:

Beef tenderloin 300g
Long bean 300g
Red pepper 6g
Garlic 5g
Ginger 5g
Salt 4g
Sugar 2g
Chicken powder 3g
Oyster sauce 10g
Light soy sauce 10g
Dark soy sauce 4g
Cooking wine 8g
Starch 10g
Egg white 20g
Dried chilli 2g
Corn starch 5g


1.First, prepare 300 grams of beef tenderloin , which is the most tender part of the cow and is very suitable for stir-frying. Cut the beef into even thin slices, which will make the beef more flavorful during the stir-frying process. Next, soak the cut beef slices in clean water for 10 minutes. This step is very important, as soaking can remove the blood from the beef, thereby reducing the smell and making the stir-fried beef more tender. During the soaking process, you can see the color of the beef gradually becoming brighter, which is a sign that the blood has been removed.

2.Gently pinch the ends of the long beans at one end, being careful not to damage the integrity of the long beans. At the same time, you can also remove the old tendons on both sides. The old tendons are relatively hard compared to other parts and are not easily digestible, so it is necessary to remove them. The processed long beans are placed in clean water for washing. This step is to remove any impurities and dirt that may remain on the surface of the long beans. During the washing process, gently stir a few times to ensure that every long bean is thoroughly cleaned. After washing, remove the long beans and set aside. Next, select a piece of red pepper from the red pepper and remove the seeds and cut it into shreds. This not only enhances the taste of the dish, but also the red pepper shreds and long beans together can create a good color matching effect.

3.In the kitchen, find a few cloves of garlic and a piece of fresh ginger, these are perfect ingredients to add flavor to the dish. Start by smashing the garlic cloves, this action is to split the garlic skin, revealing the delicious garlic cloves inside. Then, use a knife to finely chop the garlic cloves, this cutting method can make the garlic texture more delicate and release more garlic flavor. Next, smash the fresh ginger, just like smashing the garlic, and then use a knife to finely chop the ginger, this can make the ginger texture more delicate and better integrate with other ingredients. Put the chopped garlic and ginger into a small bowl and set aside.

4.After soaking the beef, wash it clean and remove to the stove. Squeeze out the excess moisture from the beef with a strong force and set aside. Then, season the beef with salt, sugar, oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce to enhance color, cooking wine to add flavor, and stir well. Add an egg white and continue to beat and mix well. Then add a handful of cornstarch and continue to stir in the same direction for 2 minutes. Cornstarch can lock in the moisture of the beef and maintain its tender texture. Finally, add a little cooking oil and stir well.

5.After all the ingredients are ready, we will blanch the long beans. Heat water in a pot, add a little cooking oil, which will form an oil layer on the surface of the long beans to make them more bright and fresh. Bring the water to a boil, add the cut long beans and red peppers, then add a little salt to season them. Lower the heat and blanch for 2 minutes until the long beans turn bright green. Remove them with a strainer and rinse with cold water to cool them down.

6.Prepare a pot and an appropriate amount of cooking oil. Heat the oil in the pot, and the temperature is a key factor. Wait for the oil temperature to reach an ideal level, which is 40% of the total heat. At this point, the oil surface will appear calm without smoke. When the oil temperature reaches 40% of the total heat, put the sliced beef into the pot one by one. When they are dropped into the pot, the oil surface will have small bubbles pop up, but it will quickly return to calm. At this time, we need to shake the wok gently and push the beef with a spoon to ensure that each piece of beef can be heated evenly. Turn the heat to low and keep the temperature stable for a quick fry. This process needs to last for 20 seconds. During these 20 seconds, the beef will be quickly heated in the oil and can tell us its status through some small changes on the surface. After 20 seconds, you can prepare to pour out the excess oil. Remove the beef from the pot and drain the excess oil.

7.Leave a layer of oil in the pot, add a few dried chili peppers, which have a bright red color and unique spicy flavor. The hot oil quickly brings out the spicy flavor of the dried chili peppers, filling the kitchen with a strong aroma. Next, add the long beans that have been drained. These long beans have been pre-processed and are very clean, with a firm texture and bright green color. Quickly stir-fry the long beans in the hot pan, making a “sizzling” sound and giving off a pleasant aroma. Start seasoning with 2 grams of salt to add a little saltiness to the long beans; 1 gram of chicken powder to enhance the flavor; and a little sugar to enhance the taste and make the dish more rich. These seasonings quickly combine with the flavor of the long beans in the pan. Then, turn up the heat and quickly stir-fry for a few seconds to allow the long beans to fully absorb the seasoning. This process is very short and only takes a few seconds for the long beans to fully infuse with flavor. Finally, remove the cooked long beans from the pot and arrange on a serving dish.

8.Heat up some oil in the pot again when it reaches 50% heat, add in sliced green onions and ginger, and stir gently with a spatula to release their aroma slowly in the hot oil. This process is like playing a symphony of scent in the pot that will make your mouth water. Then, add 5 grams of oyster sauce and quickly stir well. The oyster sauce melts quickly at high temperatures and combines perfectly with the aroma of green onions and ginger to form a rich aroma that will increase your appetite. Next, add in the beef that has been drained of excess oil into the pot, stir gently with a spatula, and coat each piece of beef with oyster sauce’s aroma. Stir-fry well and move on to seasoning. Add in 3 grams of cooking wine, which blends perfectly with the meatiness of beef for an even richer taste experience. Then add 5 grams of soy sauce for a touch of saltiness and umami. Finally, add 2 grams of dark soy sauce to brighten up the color of beef making it more visually appealing. Stir well after adding each seasoning, then pour in a little water and mix with water starch. This step allows the seasoning to stick better to the beef resulting in an even richer taste experience. Finally, stir well until all ingredients are evenly mixed together.

9.Finally, the stir-fried beef is ready! Place the stir-fried beef on the prepared green beans, and a delicious dish is born. This stir-fried beef is full of surprises, both in color and taste. The green beans and tender beef complement each other, making people fall in love at first sight. The unique spicy flavor and rich meat aroma make people’s appetite increase, and they can’t stop eating. This stir-fried beef is not only delicious, but also easy to make, so it is very suitable for home cooking. If you are also a food lover, you may want to try this dish. I believe you will love it!


1.After blanching, wash the long beans with clean water to maintain their crisp color and make them more crunchy.

Stir-fried beef tenderloin is like a moving dance drama of delicious food. When you pour the fresh and tender beef pieces into the hot pot, you can instantly hear the enthusiastic “sizzling” sound. The beef is jumping in the pot, like performing a wonderful dance. As the temperature rises, they gradually become tender and juicy, emitting a tempting aroma.

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