Steamed Wuta vegetables with Oyster Sauce Recipe

Published Categorized as Guangdong cuisine, Homemade dishes

When wuta vegetables meets oyster sauce, a delicious dish of Steamed wuta vegetables with Oyster Sauce is born. When tasting this dish, the first thing you’ll notice is its fresh and crispy texture. The tender and crunchy baby bok choy combines perfectly with the rich flavor of oyster sauce, creating an unforgettable taste experience. With every bite, you can savor the freshness of the wuta vegetables and the savory aroma of the oyster sauce, making it hard to resist.

Ingredients for Steamed Wuta vegetables with Oyster Sauce

Wuta vegetables 400g
Garlic 30g
Salt 5g
Edible oil 8g
Oyster sauce 10g
Light soy sauce 5g
Sugar 4g
Starch 4g
Sesame oil 5g


1.First, we need to prepare a few wuta vegetables and wash them thoroughly. Then, prepare a few cloves of garlic, gently crush them with the back of a knife to make peeling easier, and then mince the garlic. Note that you can use a slightly larger amount of garlic to enhance its flavor.

2.Next, blanch the wuta vegetables. Boil water in a pot and add a pinch of salt and cooking oil. Once the water is boiling, add the prepared wuta vegetables to the pot and blanch for 20 seconds. Remove the bok choy from the pot and rinse it with cold water to cool down and drain the excess water. Adding salt and oil while blanching not only enhances the taste but also gives the bok choy a vibrant color. Do not blanch the wuta vegetables for more than 20 seconds.

3.Place the drained wuta vegetables on a clean plate with the stems facing down, which will make it look neater and more presentable. Use chopsticks to carefully pick up the wuta vegetables and place it stem-side down on the plate, ensuring it doesn’t scatter or deform during the process.

4.Heat oil in a pan, then add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add ten grams of oyster sauce and stir to dissolve it. Drizzle a little water along the edge of the pan, add five grams of light soy sauce, and mix well before seasoning. Add one gram of salt, a small amount of sugar for freshness, and stir to dissolve the seasonings. Finally, drizzle a little water starch mixture and a small amount of sesame oil, stirring well before removing from heat.

5.Evenly pour the sauce over the wuta vegetables, ensuring every leaf is coated with delicious sauce. Now it’s ready to be served. Let’s enjoy this healthy and flavorful dish of Steamed wuta vegetables with Oyster Sauce!


1.Choose fresh wuta vegetables with vibrant green leaves and no signs of yellowing or wilting.

2.Soak the wuta vegetables in clean water before cooking to remove any dirt or impurities and help maintain its tenderness.

3.Depending on personal preference, you can also add a little minced garlic, ginger, or other seasonings to enhance the flavor.

Apart from being delicious, Steamed wuta vegetables with Oyster Sauce also possesses nourishing benefits. The diverse nutrients present in wuta vegetables enhance the body’s immunity and resistance against diseases. Additionally, the high-quality proteins and minerals in oyster sauce contribute to bodily health. Hence, Steamed wuta vegetables with Oyster Sauce is a delectable dish suitable for a broad population to consume.


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