Steamed Black Tiger Shrimp with Garlic

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Steamed Garlic Black Tiger Shrimp, resembling a hidden treasure of the ocean, exudes a distinctive allure amidst the delicate garlic and succulent shrimp flesh. This dish unfolds like a comforting underwater fable, with the abundant aroma of garlic taking the lead, and each black tiger shrimp representing an individual narrative, while the accompanying seasonings serve as the harmonious backdrop of the story.

Ingredients for Steamed Garlic Black Tiger Shrimp:

Black Tiger Shrimp 250g
Silk noodles 50g
Chopped green onion 5g
Garlic sauce 30g
Edible oil 50g
Steamed fish soy sauce 10g



1.Prepare all the necessary ingredients. Soak the vermicelli in advance. Split the back of the black tiger shrimp, clean out the vein, and rinse them. When splitting, try to cut a bit deeper.

2.Take a clean plate and place the vermicelli in the center. Flip the cleaned black tiger shrimp and arrange them in a circle on the plate.

3.Spread the minced garlic sauce over the arranged black tiger shrimp. Once all the shrimp are covered, take out a steamer pot and bring water to a boil. Place the plate with the black tiger shrimp into the steamer. Cover the pot with its lid and steam over high heat for 6 minutes.

4.After steaming, remove the lid and sprinkle chopped green onions over the shrimp. Drizzle some steamed fish soy sauce on top.

5.In a separate pan, heat oil until hot. Pour some hot oil over the black tiger shrimp to enhance the flavors. Now, your delicious steamed garlic black tiger shrimp is ready!


1.It is important to soak the vermicelli in cold water, not hot water. If soaked in hot water, the vermicelli may stick together and fail to absorb the delicious flavors of the shrimp.

2.Placing the black tiger shrimp on top of the vermicelli and then pouring the minced garlic sauce over them will enhance the overall flavor.

The delicate texture and succulent juiciness of the shrimp combined with the aromatic garlic create a harmonious blend, reminiscent of a warm ocean current gently awakening your taste buds. This dish not only allows you to savor the authentic taste of black tiger shrimp but also provides a glimpse into the art of cooking and the gifts of the sea.

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