Special pickled celery: Unique recipe, delicious and tasty.

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes, Major styles of cooking

Pickled celery is a delicious and refreshing home-cooked dish with a delightful texture that is both fresh and crispy. When you take a bite of pickled celery, you will experience its tangy and spicy flavor along with a refreshing aroma that leaves you wanting more. This dish pairs well with rice or noodles and is a great choice for family gatherings.

Ingredients for Pickled celery:

Celery 200g
Thread Pepper 100g
Carrot 200g
Mature vinegar 80g
Light soy sauce 80g
Sugar 30g
Steamed fish soy sauce 50g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Take one celery stalk and remove the tough fibers from the stem to ensure a better texture. Clean the celery thoroughly and set it aside. Cut the celery down the middle and then slice it into 3cm-long pieces. Peel one carrot and cut it into even thick slices, then julienne them along with the celery. Cut two thread Pepper diagonally into segments and set them aside for later

2.Next, we will blanch all the ingredients. Fill a pot with an appropriate amount of water and bring it to a boil over high heat. Add the ingredients into the pot and reduce the heat to medium-low, blanching them for about 30 seconds until they are partially cooked. Once they reach the desired texture, remove them from the pot and rinse them with cold water. Blanching ensures that the ingredients are evenly cooked.

3.Now, let’s proceed with marinating. In a bowl, mix 50g of steamed fish sauce, 80g of mature vinegar, 80g of light soy sauce, and 30g of  sugar. Stir the marinade well until all the ingredients are combined. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it marinate for two hours. The sealed marinating process helps remove excess moisture from the ingredients, allowing the flavors to fully penetrate and enhance their taste.

4.After the two-hour marinating period, remove the previously marinated ingredients from the bowl, discarding the plastic wrap, and transfer them to a serving dish. At this point, the ingredients have absorbed the flavors and textures of the marinade. Next, drizzle a small amount of the sauce over the ingredients to enhance their deliciousness even further. Finally, this carefully prepared dish is ready to be served, and everyone can start enjoying it! This method not only maintains the freshness and texture of the ingredients but also allows the flavors of the marinade to fully penetrate, ensuring each bite is flavorful and enjoyable.


1.Ensure you choose fresh and tender celery stalks for better texture and optimal results in pickling.

The process of making pickled celery is simple. During the marinating process, feel free to adjust the amount of seasoning according to your personal taste, creating a unique flavor profile that suits your preferences. This dish is not only delicious but also nutritious, making it a healthy and delightful culinary delight.

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