Smooth and creamy Milk-flavored potato tart

Published Categorized as Dessert

On a quiet afternoon, sitting in the sunroom, I indulge in the delectable milk-flavored potato tart. Before me lies a beautifully crafted work of art, with its delicate potato puree and butter mixture forming the tower-like structure, adorned with a subtle golden hue and emanating an enticing aroma. With one bite, the crispy outer crust shatters instantly, revealing the smooth and tender potato puree infused with rich milk flavor. Closing my eyes, I let this delightful sensation spread through my taste buds, as if transported to a culinary paradise.

Ingredients for Milk-flavored potato tart:

Potato 600g
Butter 10g
Salted Egg Yolk 100g



1.Mash the steamed potatoes into a puree and add a suitable amount of butter and salted egg yolk. Mix well to enhance the texture and flavor of the potato puree. The rich milk aroma from the butter and the savory taste of the salted egg yolk combine with the delicate texture of the potato, making it irresistible to indulge in. When making this recipe, it is important to use fresh potatoes and avoid using sprouted ones as they may contain harmful substances. After steaming the potatoes, use a spoon or other utensil to mash them into a smooth paste without any lumps. Then, add an appropriate amount of butter and salted egg yolk, and mix thoroughly to make the potato puree even smoother and more flavorful.

2.Pour the well-mixed potato puree into a clean piping bag for easier shaping into potato tarts. First, place the piping bag over a suitable bowl or cup to create a pocket-like shape. Then, pour the potato puree into the bag and use a scraper or spoon to evenly distribute the puree at the bottom of the bag, trying to flatten it as much as possible. Next, securely close the bag to prevent any leakage and start squeezing the potato puree out through the bag’s opening onto a baking tray, forming round or square shapes for the potato tarts. Pay attention to applying even pressure while squeezing the puree, neither too fast nor too slow, to ensure uniform shapes and sizes. Also, be mindful of controlling the thickness of the potato puree to avoid overcooking or undercooking during the baking process.

3.Place the shaped potato tarts into a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake for 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the color and state of the potato tarts during baking to prevent burning or undercooking. Once baked, remove the potato tarts from the oven and let them cool on a baking tray or wire rack to enhance their deliciousness. They can be enjoyed with your preferred sauce or seasoning, such as tomato sauce, salad dressing, chili sauce, etc., to add layers of taste and flavor.


1.It is important to choose fresh potatoes for this recipe. After purchasing, soak the newly bought potatoes in saltwater to prevent them from sprouting.

2.Once peeled, make sure to thoroughly wash the potatoes and slice them into thin pieces before steaming them in a steamer.

When you indulge in the milk-flavored potato tart, the soft and delicate potato crust melts in your mouth, releasing a rich aroma that blends harmoniously with the silky milk-flavored filling. Each bite is a sensory feast, immersing your taste buds in a sea of milk flavor. The milk-flavored potato tart is not only a classic choice among desserts but also a culinary masterpiece that catches the eye, providing a unique visual and gustatory experience.

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