Simple and delicious cooking: Garlic Oil Stir-fried Romaine Lettuce

Published Categorized as Cantonese cuisine

Garlic Oil Stir-fried Romaine Lettuce, fresh and delicious, like a poem and painting, captivating. Upon savoring it, the fragrance fills the air, as if immersed in a green countryside, experiencing the gifts of nature. Its vibrant color, dripping with emerald green, uplifts the spirit and arouses the appetite. With each bite, the aroma of garlic delights the senses, blending the crispness of water spinach with the richness of garlic, creating a unique texture that leaves a lasting impression. Whether enjoyed alone or shared with friends, this dish is a poetic feast that indulges in the harmony of gastronomy and artistry.

Ingredients for Garlic Oil Stir-fried Romaine lettuce:

Romaine lettuce 200g
Garlic 5g
Dried chilli 5g
Oyster sauce 10g
Salt 2g
Chicken powder 1g
Sesame oil 2g



1.First, prepare the main ingredient for this dish—Romaine Lettuce. Select a fresh bundle of water spinach and gently break off each leaf, placing them in a bowl. These leaves are elongated in shape, with a lush green color, resembling precious green gems bestowed upon us by nature. Next, carefully wash each leaf of the Romaine Lettuce with clean water, cleaning them thoroughly, then cut them in half lengthwise and set them aside on a plate. The next ingredient to prepare is garlic, which needs a few plump and intact cloves. Crush each clove gently and finely chop them into minced garlic. Place the chopped garlic in a bowl, releasing a subtle garlic fragrance. Additionally, add a few dried chili peppers to enhance the spiciness and color of this dish.

2.Heat oil in a pan and sauté the minced garlic and chili pepper until fragrant. Add 10 grams of oyster sauce and quickly stir-fry until it blends well with the garlic, creating a harmonious combination of the umami flavor from the oyster sauce and the rich aroma of garlic. Then, pour the water spinach into the pan and stir-fry quickly using a spatula. The high temperature gradually transforms the water spinach into a bright and lustrous green color, emanating an enticing aroma. Next, it’s time to season the dish. Sprinkle 2 grams of salt evenly into the pan, adding a touch of savory freshness to the Romaine Lettuce. Add 1 gram of chicken powder and quickly stir-fry to distribute it evenly. The addition of chicken powder further enriches the taste, leaving a memorable flavor. Finally, turn up the heat and stir-fry rapidly to ensure all the seasonings are well incorporated.

3.Lastly, drizzle a small amount of sesame oil into the pan and stir-fry quickly to coat the dish evenly. The addition of sesame oil imparts a unique aroma, making the garlic-infused Romaine Lettuce even more delicious. Stir-fry until the Romaine Lettuce leaves are slightly cooked and turn a vibrant green color, then remove from the heat and transfer to a serving plate. This delectable garlic oil Romaine Lettuce, with its tantalizing aroma and refreshing and crispy texture, can be enjoyed either as an accompaniment to rice or as a standalone snack, providing a truly memorable and delightful culinary experience.


1.When stir-frying Romaine Lettuce, it is important to use high heat and hot oil to bring out the aromatic garlic flavor.

2.Avoid adding salt too early in the seasoning to prevent excessive water release.

Garlic Oil Stir-fried Water Spinach, fresh and delicious, like a poem and painting, captivating. Upon savoring it, the fragrance fills the air, as if immersed in a green countryside, experiencing the gifts of nature. Its vibrant color, dripping with emerald green, uplifts the spirit and arouses the appetite. With each bite, the aroma of garlic delights the senses, blending the crispness of Romaine Lettuce with the richness of garlic, creating a unique texture that leaves a lasting impression. Whether enjoyed alone or shared with friends, this dish is a poetic feast that indulges in the harmony of gastronomy and artistry.

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