Round Eggplant

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Round eggplant 圆茄子 ( yuán qié zi )
Classification: Solanum melongena (Eggplant belongs to the Solanaceae family and Solanum genus)
Calories: 32kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Known for its benefits in treating stomach cancer、Anti-aging properties、Reducing cholesterol levels、Protecting cardiovascular health、Clear heat and relieve summer heat
Not recommended for: Weak spleen and stomachweakness、Loose stools、Asthma should not consume large amounts of eggplant.
Introduction: Round eggplant is considered a good quality variety when it has a uniformly round shape, moderate firmness, no cracks, rotting, rusty skin, spots, thin skin, few seeds, and thick, tender flesh. The fruit should have a bright and glossy appearance, with a deep purple stem, light greenish-white flesh that is dense and tender, and a delicious taste preferred by consumers.The purple skin of eggplant contains abundant vitamin E and vitamin P, which are not found in other vegetables.Eggplant is also relatively rich in nutrients, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and more.In particular, it contains a high amount of vitamin P, with 750mg per 100 grams.Vitamin P enhances cell adhesion, improves the elasticity of capillaries, reduces fragility and permeability, and prevents microvascular rupture and bleeding.Eggplant also contains trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, as well as various alkaloids like choline, solanine, soanine, and tigogenin.Purple eggplants, in particular, have higher vitamin content and can inhibit the growth of digestive tract tumor cells.

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