Recipe for Small Crispy Pork

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Sichuan cuisine, Street food

Small crispy pork  小酥肉 (xiǎo sū ròu)
Small crispy pork is a traditional famous dish that combines color, aroma, and taste. It has a long history and profound cultural significance. Its golden and tempting appearance, crispy skin, tender and juicy meat, and rich layers of flavors make it an irresistible delicacy. Small crispy pork is highly nutritious, containing abundant protein, fat, vitamins, and other nutrients, providing sufficient energy and nutrition to the human body. In addition, small crispy pork has the benefits of tonifying the middle, nourishing deficiencies, and strengthening the body. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with weak constitution and weak resistance.

Comprehensive rating:

15 min 8 min 7 Crunchy Easy
Ingredients for Small crispy pork :
Pork fillet 500g
Salt 4g
Egg 50g
Starch 30g
Chopped green onion 5g
Pepper powder 3g
Edible oil 4g


1.Prepare a piece of pork fillet, ensuring it is fresh and contains minimal fat. Cut the pork fillet into appropriate strips for better absorption of seasonings and cooking. Place the cut pork fillet in a bowl for later use. Choose a bowl of suitable size that can accommodate all the meat strips and have enough space for thorough mixing.

2.Sprinkle an adequate amount of salt and pepper onto the cut pork. Use your hands to evenly rub the salt and pepper into the pork, ensuring every piece is well-seasoned. Let it marinate for about ten minutes to allow the ingredients to fully absorb the flavors and to enhance the tenderness of the meat.

3.Crack an egg into the bowl and use chopsticks to beat the egg, ensuring it is well mixed. Next, sprinkle an appropriate amount of starch. The starch will enhance the crispy texture on the outside of the pork and help absorb any excess moisture. While stirring the mixture, pour in a small amount of water. Adding water helps adjust the viscosity of the egg mixture, making it smooth and easy to coat onto the pork. Control the amount of water according to your preference, so that the egg mixture is not too thick or too thin. Continue stirring until the egg, starch, and water are thoroughly combined. Then, add chopped green onions and a tablespoon of cooking oil. Green onions will add flavor and color to the dish, while cooking oil prevents the meat from sticking and enhances the richness of the taste. Stir to ensure that the green onions and cooking oil are evenly distributed throughout the egg mixture.

4.After thorough mixing, pour the prepared egg mixture into the marinated pork fillet, ensuring that the egg mixture fully covers and evenly coats each strip of meat. Mix and stir the pork fillet with the egg mixture using hands, making sure every piece is evenly coated. Make sure that each pork strip is fully covered by the egg mixture without any uncovered parts. During the mixing process, it’s also possible to slightly stretch the pork strips, which will add tenderness to each piece. By thoroughly combining the pork strips with the egg mixture, they will be evenly coated, enhancing both the taste and appearance during cooking. This will result in tender and juicy pork with a crispy outer layer.

5.Heat oil in a pan and once it reaches about 70% hot, gently place the pork strips, coated with the egg mixture, into the pan one by one. Ensure there is enough space between each pork strip to prevent sticking. Adjust the heat to medium-low and fry the pork strips slowly. This allows for even heating and prevents overcooking the outer layer while leaving the inside uncooked. Flip the pork strips to ensure even heating and frying on both sides until they turn golden and crispy. The frying time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the pork, so monitor the color and texture closely. Slow-frying the pork strips over medium-low heat ensures even cooking and creates a crispy exterior. This results in a delicately crisp and flavorful dish.

6.Continue frying the pork strips until they become golden and crispy. Gently remove them from the pan and place them on a serving plate. You can choose an attractive plate to enhance visual enjoyment. Now, you can start savoring these golden and crispy pork fillet strips!


1.Choose pork with a higher proportion of lean meat for making tender pork strips. This type of meat has a delicate texture, which is ideal for creating tender pork strips.

2.Before cutting the pork into strips, place it in the freezer for a short period of time. Partially freezing the meat will make it firmer and easier to cut into neat strips. Try to maintain consistent sizes and shapes for the pork strips to ensure even cooking.

Small crispy pork is a delicious dish with a golden color, crispy outer layer, and tender meat inside. The meat is juicy and melts in your mouth, leaving a memorable taste. Its enticing golden appearance is complemented by a rich aroma. Not only is it a delightful dish, but it also offers excellent nutrition, including protein, fat, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that contribute to overall health and well-being.

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