Recipe for Rock Sugar Waxberry

Published Categorized as Dessert

The frozen sugar-coated waxberries taken out from the refrigerator are like a treasure waiting to be unlocked. Each waxberry becomes plumper and more enticing. Taking a bite, the refreshing coolness and sweet and sour taste instantly awaken the senses, as if the whole summer has become brighter and more beautiful.

Ingredients for Rock Sugar Waxberry

Waxberry 400g
Salt 5g
Rock sugar 7g
Lemon one


1.Prepare fresh waxberries. Make sure the quality of waxberries is good, preferably fresh and ripe, to avoid any bitter or sour taste. Place the waxberries in a clean container, sprinkle with a moderate amount of salt, and add enough water to soak for two hours. This process is mainly to remove any dirt on the surface of the waxberries and enhance their refreshing taste.

2.After soaking, remove the waxberries from the water and rinse them thoroughly with clean water. This step must be done carefully to ensure that there are no impurities left on the surface of the waxberries. Then, put the waxberries in a pot, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice. Lemon juice can add layers of flavor to the waxberries and help them maintain their vibrant color.

3.Add enough water to cover the waxberries and bring it to a boil. Cook for three to five minutes. This process is mainly to allow the waxberries to fully absorb the sweetness from the sugar and the aroma from the lemon juice. Pay attention to the heat during cooking, neither too high nor too low, to avoid affecting the texture of the waxberries.

4.After cooking, remove the waxberries from the pot and let them cool. You can also place them in a well-ventilated area to air-dry naturally. Once cooled, refrigerate the waxberries overnight. This will allow them to soak up more flavors and have a richer taste. Before eating, you can take the waxberries out and slightly warm them, which will make them more enjoyable to consume. You can eat them on their own or pair them with other ingredients, such as yogurt or ice cream.


1.Choose fresh and ripe waxberries to avoid any bitter or sour taste.
2.Control the heat when cooking the waxberries. Avoid using high or low heat, as it can affect the texture of the waxberries.
3.After cooling, refrigerate the waxberries overnight. This allows them to soak up more flavors and have a richer taste. Adjust the amount of rock sugar according to personal preference for sweetness.

It is not just a delicacy, but also a symbol of mood. It allows us to feel the beauty of summer and the sweetness of life. It is like a small memory box, preserving those beautiful moments forever.

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