Recipe for Ice Skin Mooncakes

Published Categorized as Dessert

The texture of ice skin mooncakes is unique, with a smooth and delicate outer layer that melts in the mouth, giving a refreshing sensation. The fillings are also diverse, including sweet lotus seed paste, red bean paste, rich mixed nuts, salted egg yolk, as well as exotic flavors like chocolate and coffee. Each bite brings a different surprise.

Ingredients for Ice Skin Mooncakes

Milk 400g
Cream 40g
Egg three
Sugar 15g
Low-gluten flour 160g
Butter 30g
Edible oil 15g
Glutinous rice flour 150g
Sticky rice flour 120g
Powdered sugar 9g


1.Prepare a container and mix an appropriate amount of milk, cream, eggs, sugar, and low-gluten flour until there are no lumps. Then add butter and continue stirring until the butter is completely melted and well mixed.

2.Pour the mixture into a deep flat-bottomed pan and heat it over low heat while continuously stirring with a spatula or wooden spoon. As the mixture heats up, it will gradually thicken and start to form lumps. The cooked dough should be slightly elastic, not too dry or too wet. If the dough is too moist, stir-fry it a little longer to evaporate some of the moisture. Set the dough aside.

3.Now make the dough. Take a clean bowl and mix milk and cooking oil until well combined. Then sift in glutinous rice flour, sticky rice flour, and powdered sugar, and mix until there are no dry flour particles. Put the sifted mixture into a steamer, cover with a lid, and steam on high heat for 15 minutes.

4.Once steamed, take out the dough and let it cool. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Take a portion of the dough and knead in matcha powder until well blended, creating two different colored doughs. Roll each colored dough into long strips and then twist them together to create a marbled effect. Divide the dough into small portions, each weighing about 20-25 grams.

5.Take one portion of dough and place it in your palm, gently press it into a round shape. The dough should become a thin, small round cake with slightly rounded edges. Then, take a small amount of salted egg yolk filling and place it in the center of the cake. The amount of filling should be moderate to maintain the texture of the mooncake. Use your fingers to push up the edges of the cake, completely enclosing the salted egg yolk filling to form a round ball.

6.Place the shaped mooncake balls into molds and gently press them to shape. The molds should be greased or dusted with flour beforehand to prevent sticking. Place the finished ice skin mooncakes in the refrigerator for a period of time to enhance the smooth texture. The mooncakes will have a better texture after refrigeration.


1.When making the mooncake dough, you can add a small amount of cooking oil to enhance the aroma and texture of the mooncakes.
2.When wrapping the filling into the dough, ensure that the filling is evenly distributed and firmly pressed to shape. This will ensure a smooth and even texture for the mooncakes.
3.To make the ice skin mooncakes more visually appealing, you can use natural food coloring to add color to the mooncake skin, such as using red dates paste for red color or matcha powder for green color.

The best time to enjoy ice skin mooncakes is on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Gathered together with family, enjoying the bright moonlight, savoring the sweet mooncakes, and engaging in delightful conversations, it creates a joyful and harmonious atmosphere. At this moment, ice skin mooncakes are not just food, but also a symbol of reunion and a means of conveying affection.


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