Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin: A Chinese delicacy with vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and exquisite flavors.

Published Categorized as Guangdong cuisine

Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin is a Chinese delicacy with vibrant colors, enticing aromas, and exquisite flavors. The pork skin undergoes processes such as boiling, shredding, and blanching before being stir-fried with bell pepper strips and seasonings. It has a delicious taste and is refreshing without being greasy. The history of Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin can be traced back to the late Qing Dynasty when it was initially a palace delicacy that later became popular among the common people. This dish requires certain skills and patience to prepare, but it is precisely its complexity and uniqueness that make Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin a favorite among many.Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin not only offers excellent taste but also holds significant nutritional value. Pork skin contains abundant collagen protein and elastin, which can enhance skin elasticity and radiance. Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, promoting digestive health and boosting the immune system. This dish is also known for its beauty-enhancing and anti-aging effects, providing certain health benefits. In summary, Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin is a traditional Chinese dish worth trying as it not only delights the senses but also offers rich nutritional value.

Ingredients for Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin:

Pig skin 500g
Wood ear fungus 20g
Ginger 10g
Green onion 10g
Cooking wine 10g
Salt 8g
Green pepper 8g
Red pepper 8g
Sugar 3g
White vinegar 5g
Chili Oil 8g
Garlic 8g
Coriander 8g
Carrot 20g
Sesame oil 5g


1.First, prepare a piece of pork skin. Then, blanch the pork skin in boiling water. The purpose of blanching is to remove impurities and odors from the pork skin and make it softer. After blanching, carefully scrape off the hair on the surface of the pork skin using a scraper or knife. Ensure thorough cleaning of the pork skin’s surface for further processing. Next, scrape off the fat inside the pork skin. This step requires careful handling, using a scraper to gently remove the fat inside the pork skin, making it drier. Once these steps are completed, cut the pork skin into shredded strips.

2.Before cooking the pork skin, we need to remove any unwanted odors and enhance its flavor. First, bring a pot of water to a boil. Then, slice the ginger and green onions and add them to the boiling water. Next, pour in a small amount of cooking wine and salt, which will help remove odors and enhance the flavor. Then, add the shredded pork skin to the pot and cook for about 10 minutes. Once the time is up, remove the cooked pork skin and immediately rinse it with cold water to remove any impurities and residual flavors. After rinsing, drain the pork skin, leaving it slightly moist. Finally, transfer the prepared pork skin into a bowl, ready for further cooking steps. Through these steps, we have successfully taken actions to remove any unwanted odors from the pork skin while ensuring its cleanliness and hygiene. This will provide a good foundation for subsequent cooking processes.

3.Next, we prepare two green peppers and red  peppers, cutting them into fine strips. The vibrant colors and crisp texture of the peppers will add freshness to the dish. Additionally, we also need to cut the carrots into fine strips. The sweetness and crunchiness of the carrots will contribute to the overall texture and color of the dish. Furthermore, the wood ear mushrooms need to be soaked and then cut into thin strips. The chewy texture and unique taste of the wood ear mushrooms will provide a distinct flavor to the dish. Place the sliced peppers, carrots, and wood ear mushrooms on a plate for later use. These vegetable and mushroom strips will provide diverse textures and a decorative effect to the final stir-fry. Through these steps, we have prepared the fine strips of bell peppers, carrots, and wood ear mushrooms as ingredients. These ingredients will add layers of flavors and colors to the Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin, making the dish more enticing.

4.In the bowl containing the shredded pork skin, we can add some seasonings according to personal taste preferences. First, add a pinch of salt to enhance the savory taste and freshness. Next, add a small amount of sugar to add a hint of sweetness, enhancing the overall flavor. Then, drizzle in some sesame oil, which will bring a unique aroma to the dish. Following that, pour in an appropriate amount of light soy sauce to add some saltiness and umami flavor. Additionally, add a little bit of white vinegar to enhance the crispness of the marinated dish and add a touch of acidity. Pour in some chili oil to add a spicy kick and rich texture to the dish. Furthermore, finely chop some garlic cloves into minced form and cut the coriander into sections, then add them to the bowl. The spiciness of the garlic and the freshness of the coriander will add more complexity to the dish.

5.Next, pour the previously prepared sliced peppers, carrots, wood ear mushrooms into the bowl with the shredded pork skin and seasonings. Then, using chopsticks, thoroughly mix and toss everything together, ensuring that the seasonings evenly coat every ingredient. This will ensure a balanced taste and texture throughout the dish. Once all the ingredients are well mixed, it’s time to transfer them onto a serving plate. Choose a suitable plate or bowl and arrange the dish neatly within it. Through these steps, the prepared vegetables, along with the shredded pork skin and seasonings, have been successfully combined and the final mixing and plating process is complete. Now, it’s time to enjoy this delicious Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin!


1.The pork skin needs to be blanched first, then cut into fine strips.

2.After cooking, the shredded pork skin should be quickly rinsed with cold water to ensure a crispy texture.

When you taste Rainbow Shredded Pork Skin, it feels like being immersed in a feast of flavors. Every bite is filled with surprises and layers of taste. The deliciousness of the pork skin combines with the crispness of the vegetables, creating a unique sensory experience. It’s like a wonderful symphony playing in your mouth, with various flavors harmoniously dancing together, making it irresistible. This dish is not just a culinary delight, but also an artful presentation that leaves a lasting impression.

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