
Published Categorized as Meat

Quail 鹌鹑 ( ān chún )
Calories: 110kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Replenish kidney、Diminish swelling、 Treat indigestion
Not Suitable for: Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Introduction: Quail belongs to the family Phasianidae in the order Galliformes.It is commonly said,”If you want to eat poultry, go for pigeons and quails.”Quail meat is delicious and nutritious.It contains abundant lecithin, which can generate lysolecithin and inhibit platelet aggregation,thus preventing blood clot formation, protecting blood vessel walls, and preventing arteriosclerosis.From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine,quail has a sweet and neutral taste,is non-toxic,and enters the lung and spleen meridians. It has the effects of reducing swelling,promoting diuresis, and tonifying the middle and enhancing Qi.In medical applications,quail meat is often used to treat conditions such as diabetes,anemia,hepatitis,and malnutrition.For individuals with poor digestive health,consuming quail in moderation can effectively alleviate symptoms.Regular consumption of quail in daily life not only provides nourishment but also promotes physical development and helps improve intelligence.When selecting quail,it is generally recommended to choose those that are 18-20 months old,as too young or too old quail may have inferior meat quality.

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