Pork hind leg

Published Categorized as Meat, Pig

Calories: 260kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Tonifies the kidney, nourishes blood, nourishes Yin, moisturizes dryness
Not Suitable for: Individuals with high blood lipid levels, obesity, kidney diseases, or cardiovascular diseases
Introduction: Pork hind leg meat refers to the meat from the hind leg of a pig. It has a firm texture and contains both lean and fatty parts. The skin of pork hind leg meat is thick, with more lean meat and tendons, and lower fat content. It is suitable for stewing, roasting, stir-frying, and making jerky. Pork hind leg meat is rich in various nutrients such as fats, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates, and amino acids. When purchasing, touch the surface of the meat. Fresh pork hind leg meat should not be sticky, but rather slightly dried. If frozen, the surface may be slightly moist, but it should not feel sticky.

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