Pork fillet

Published Categorized as Meat, Pig

Calories: 155kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Qi and blood nourishment, heat-clearing and detoxification, yin nourishment and kidney tonification
Not suitable for: Individuals with dampness-heat phlegm stagnation, obesity, high blood lipids
Introduction: Pork tenderloin refers to the tender meat found on the inner side of the pig’s spinal bone. Tenderloin is typically divided into large and small sections. The large tenderloin is the lean meat attached to the baby back ribs, covered with a tendon on the outer side. The meat used for stir-frying dishes is usually obtained by deboning the baby back ribs. Pork tenderloin is rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Per 100g of pork tenderloin, it contains 70.3g of water, 20.2g of protein, 7.9g of fat, 0.9g of ash, and 0.7g of carbohydrates. The fat composition includes 45.6% monounsaturated fatty acids, 36.8% saturated fatty acids, and others. These nutrients can provide the body with various essential substances. Fresh pork tenderloin has a dense and elastic texture, quickly returning to its original shape when pressed.

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