Pork bacon

Published Categorized as Meat, Pig

Calories: 692kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Improves anemia, protects vision, strengthens bones
Not Suitable for: Individuals with hemorrhoids, hypertension, heart disease
Introduction: Chinese pork bacon also known as “la rou,” refers to processed meat that has been cured and then roasted or dried (sometimes exposed to sunlight). Pork bacon has strong preservation capabilities, prolonging its shelf life while adding a distinctive flavor. Well-smoked pork bacon has consistent appearance, translucent and glossy when cooked and sliced. It exhibits a vibrant yellowish-red color, with a rich and savory taste, not overly fatty or tough. Pork bacon not only has a unique flavor but also functions as an appetizer, warming the body, and aiding digestion. Hubei pork bacon, known for its excellent color, aroma, flavor, and appearance, is often praised as “The scent of one household cooking meat permeates a hundred households.” When choosing pork bacon, it’s important to select products with a dry surface, as moist surfaces can facilitate bacterial growth. High-quality pork bacon has a bright color, with the muscles appearing either bright red or dark red, and the fat being transparent or milky white. Spoiled pork bacon will have a dull and matte appearance, with yellowish fat and mold spots on the surface.

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