Pig skin

Published Categorized as Meat, Pig

Calories: 363kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Nourishes blood and qi, promotes beauty
Not Suitable for: Individuals with liver disease, arteriosclerosis, or high blood pressure
Introduction: Pig skin is a meat product ingredient with a high protein content. Processed products such as pork rind, pork jelly, and ham made from pig skin not only have good toughness but also excellent color, fragrance, taste, and texture. They play an important role in the physiological health of human skin, tendons, bones, and hair. The protein content in pig skin is 2.5 times that of pork, while the carbohydrate content is four times higher, and the fat content is only half that of pork. Pig skin contains abundant collagen protein, which can slow down cellular aging, enhance physiological metabolism, improve physiological functions, and maintain the water storage function of skin tissue cells, keeping them moisturized. Healthy pork skin should have no blemishes, whereas diseased or dead pig skin may have purple bleeding spots, dark red diffuse bleeding, or raised red or yellow eruptions.

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