
Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Pea 豌豆 ( wān dòu )
Classification: Leguminosae, Pisum
Calories: 313kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Protect eyesight、Keep beauty、 Nourish skin
Not Suitable for: Skin disease、Urinary calculus、Chronic pancreatitis
Introduction: Peas have a green color throughout the entire plant, smooth and hairless, with a powdery coating.The leaves consist of 4-6 leaflets, with heart-shaped stipules and finely toothed lower margins.The leaflets are ovate in shape.The flowers are solitary or arranged in clusters in the leaf axils, forming raceme-like inflorescences.The calyx is bell-shaped, with lanceolate lobes.The color of the corolla varies, depending on the variety, but is mostly white or purple.The ovary is hairless, and the style is flat.The pods are swollen and elongated, with an oval shape.The seeds are round, green in color, and turn yellow when dried.Pea pods and young shoots are rich in vitamin C and contain enzymes that can break down endogenous nitrosamines, thereby exerting anticancer effects.Peas differ from other vegetables due to the presence of substances such as indoleacetic acid, gibberellins, and plant lectins, which possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and enhance metabolism.Peas can be stir-fried as a vegetable, and when the seeds mature, they can be ground into pea flour for consumption.Due to their rounded and vibrant green appearance, peas are often used as a garnish to add color to dishes.However, overconsumption of peas can lead to bloating, so it is not advisable to consume them in large quantities for an extended period.Dried peas, especially when stir-fried, are difficult to digest and excessive consumption can cause indigestion and bloating.

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