Sweet Pepper

Sweet Pepper Aliases: Persimmon Pepper Picture: Category: Solanaceae, Capsicum genus Caloric Content: 26kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Prevents melanin formation, whitening, anti-aging, promotes blood circulation. Not Suitable for: People with chronic illness and weak constitution, dampness-heat constitution, phlegm-damp constitution, yang-deficiency constitution. Introduction: Persimmon Pepper is a special series of sweet peppers available in various colors such as…


Potato 土豆 ( tǔ dòu ) Classification: Genus Solanum in the family Solanaceae Calories: 81kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Anti-aging、Promote bowel movements and detoxification Not Suitable for: Pregnant women、Diabetes、Gastrointestinal disorders、Weak spleen and stomach function Introduction: Potato is a plant that grows to a height of 15-80 centimeters and can be either hairless or sparsely hairy. It has…