Traditional Beijing-style snack: Fried Sausage

Fried Rice Cakes“炸灌肠”(zhá guàn cháng). Immersed in the golden world of fried rice cakes, it feels like being in a culinary paradise. These crispy on the outside and tender on the inside sausages emit an enticing aroma, making the taste buds eager to indulge. With a gentle bite, the crispy exterior instantly shatters, releasing a…

Northeast-style cold noodles

Northeast-style cold noodles“东北大冷面”(dōng běi dà lěng miàn). In the blazing heat of summer, a bowl of refreshing cold noodles is presented before you, as if accompanied by a cool breeze. The delicate and smooth noodles, twirling around the chopsticks like silk, gently emit a slight coolness. Through the clear broth, one can see a variety…

Shredded Pork with Beijing-Style Sauce: A Treasure of Beijing Cuisine

Shredded Pork with Beijing-Style Sauce  京酱肉丝(jīng jiàng ròu sī) As a classic dish in Chinese traditional cuisine, Shredded Pork with Beijing-Style Sauce has gained popularity among food enthusiasts due to its unique flavor and rich nutritional value. It is not only a representative dish of Beijing, but also one of the renowned dishes with a…

Braised Beef Strips

Braised beef strips“扒牛肉条”(pá niú ròu tiáo). Braised beef strips, with their rich and fragrant flavor, are truly the epitome of culinary enjoyment. With just one bite, your mouth is filled with an aroma that transports you to a sunny morning on the grasslands. Each beef strip is like a carefully crafted piece of art, meticulously…

Traditional Beijing Soybean Juice

  Soybean Juice“豆汁儿”(dòu zhī er). At the lively entrance of a hutong, a small stall displays a row of weathered clay pots, filled with an ancient and enigmatic beverage known as Douzhi. This is one of the most classic features of old Beijing, and its taste seems capable of traversing time, transporting individuals back to…

Categorized as Beverage

Peking Duck: Unique cooking techniques creating a culinary legend

Peking Duck  北京烤鸭(běi jīng kǎo yā) Chinese food culture has a long history and profound influence. It carries the history and culture of the Chinese nation for thousands of years and exhibits unique charm and charm. From exquisite palace cuisine to folk snacks, from light flavors in the south to strong flavors in the north,…

Wen Si Tofu

Wen Si Tofu“文思豆腐”(wén sī dòufǔ). Wen Si Tofu, with its unique preparation method and texture, has become a star in the culinary world. Every bite of tofu is delicate, smooth, and layered like a piece of art. When tasting it, the fluffy and delicate texture of the tofu gradually unfolds in the mouth, as if…

Red pepper

Red pepper 红椒 ( hóng jiāo ) Classification: Capsicum annuum (Family Solanaceae) Calories: 212kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Increases appetite, aids in weight loss, clears heat and alleviates pain Not suitable for: Hyperthyroidism patients, nephritis patients, chronic bronchitis sufferers Introduction: Red pepper is a cultivated variant of chili pepper. It has a pungent aroma and can remove…