Minced garlic

Minced garlic Picture: Calories: 370kcal/100g Function: Adds spiciness, enhances flavor, adds color Introduction: Chili flakes, also known as chili powder, are a spice made from dried chili peppers that undergo processes such as roasting, pressing, and grinding. With its rich and spicy flavor, chili flakes can enhance the taste and add flavor to dishes. Chili…

Categorized as Seasoning

Garlic sprout

Garlic sprout Picture: Classification: Liliaceae, Allium genus Calories: 34kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promotes intestinal regularity, lowers blood lipid levels Not Suitable for: Anemic individuals, those with blood deficiency Introduction: Garlic sprouts, also known as garlic greens, are the young shoots of garlic that have reached a certain stage of growth. They grow in fields and possess…

Mapo tofu:A mouth-watering classic Sichuan dish

It represents the flavors of home and the comforting traditions. Every time you enjoy Mapo Tofu, it feels like a journey back home, bringing warmth and contentment. Each mouthful of Mapo Tofu brings immense happiness. Let’s fully appreciate this magical delicacy and immerse ourselves in its goodness and satisfaction. Ingredients for mapo tofu Silken tofu…

Fried Eggs:A simple and delicious breakfast

  “The aroma of fried eggs wafts into my nostrils, rich and captivating, reminding me of my mother’s cooking! On a leisurely morning, let’s have a delicious fried egg and start the day with a wonderful life!” The ingredients for fried eggs would be translated as follows: Egg two White onion one loop Pepper one…

Minced garlic

Minced garlic Picture: Calories: 136kcal/100g Function: Enhances flavor, removes fishy odor, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial Introduction: Garlic paste is a common culinary seasoning made by crushing fresh garlic into a fine paste. Garlic paste offers benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, lowering blood lipid levels, and preventing tumors. When combined with other ingredients, garlic paste…

Categorized as Seasoning

Chopped ginger

Chopped ginger Picture: Calories: 68kcal/100g Function: Removes fishy odor, enhances flavor Introduction: Ginger paste refers to finely chopped or minced ginger used primarily as a seasoning ingredient in cooking. Ginger paste can help alleviate stomach discomfort, bloating, and indigestion. It retains most of the nutrients found in ginger, allowing people to absorb ample gingerol and…

Categorized as Seasoning

Sichuan Pepper

Sichuan Pepper Picture: Calories: 316kcal/100g Function: Warm the stomach, treat abdominal pain, relieve menstrual cramps Introduction: The formation of Sichuan peppercorns (花椒) involves harvesting and then spreading them in a cool and well-ventilated area for 2-3 days, followed by sun drying. Sichuan peppercorns have the effects of warming the middle burner, dispelling dampness and cold,…

Categorized as Seasoning

Soy sauce

Soy sauce Picture: Calories: 63kcal/100g Function: Improves appetite, anticancer properties, lowers cholesterol, relieves itching and swelling Introduction: Soy sauce is a liquid seasoning produced through the fermentation of soybeans, wheat, and bran. It has a reddish-brown color, distinct umami aroma, and delightful taste that helps stimulate the appetite. As a traditional condiment in China. Soy…

Categorized as Seasoning

Beer Duck:A fragrant and passionate specialty cuisine

The duck meat in Beer Duck is crispy, tender, and well-marinated, with a plentiful and flavorful juice. Each bite embodies the delicate infusion of beer and the freshness of duck, creating a culinary delight. It is not just a dish, but an indulgence that showcases the succulence of the meat, leaving a lasting impression.With every…

Fermented blank bean

Fermented blank bean Picture: Calories: 254kcal/100g Function: Seasoning, removing fishy odor, enhancing flavors Introduction:Fermented blank bean is a traditional Chinese fermented soybean-based seasoning. Primarily made from black or yellow soybeans, these beans undergo fermentation using molds like Aspergillus or Rhizopus, or bacterial proteases that break down soybean proteins. Once they reach a desired stage of…