Special Recipe for Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms

Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms 干炸榆黄菇(gàn zhá yú huáng gū) The deep-fried Elm  Mushroom can be traced back to the northeastern region of China, where people use this dish to ward off the cold during winter. After decades of development, deep-fried Elm  Mushroom has gradually become a common dish in restaurants and households across China. It not…

Delicious Braised Chicken with Mushrooms

Braised Chicken with Mushrooms小鸡炖蘑菇(xiǎo jī dùn mó gū) Braised Chicken with Mushrooms is a classic dish with rich Northeastern Chinese flavors. Its vibrant and enticing appearance, combined with the unique aroma of arimillaria mushrooms and chicken, makes it truly irresistible. The chicken is tender and juicy, while the mushrooms have a delicate texture, and the…

Soft and tender Braised Pork Tower

Braised Pork Tower宝塔肉(bǎo tǎ ròu) Braised Pork Tower, a delicacy primarily made with pork that is cooked to resemble a pagoda-like shape. Its appearance is exquisite, with layers of stacked meat slices forming the tower shape, allowing people to appreciate the charm of Chinese traditional culture while enjoying the food. The Braised Pork Tower has…

Signature Cumin Potato Stir-Fried Instant Noodles

Cumin Potato Stir-Fried Instant Noodles 孜然土豆炒方便面(zī rán tǔ dòu chǎo fāng biàn miàn) Cumin Potato Stir-Fried Instant Noodles is a dish that captures the authentic flavors of home. With its vibrant colors, aromatic fragrance, and delicious taste, it is a true delight for the senses. The golden-brown potatoes intertwine with the brown Instant noodles, scallion…

Chinese native chicken

chinese native chicken 土鸡 ( tǔ jī ) Calories: 124kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the blood and vital energy, Strengthen the body, and maintain beauty Not Suitable for: Patients with hyperlipidemia, cholecystitis, and gallstones Introduction: The skin of Chinese native chicken is thin, tight, and has fine pores arranged in a network. The meat of chinese…

Beef Cubes with King Oyster Mushrooms

In a quiet winter afternoon, the fragrance of Stir-Fried King Oyster Mushroom Beef permeates the air. The simmering sound from the kitchen makes one eagerly anticipate the forthcoming delicacy. It feels as if time has slowed down because of this dish, evoking a sense of tranquility and warmth. When this Stir-Fried King Oyster Mushroom Beef…

Dry-Fried Pig Lungs

Dry-Fried Pig Lungs  干煸猪肺(gàn biān zhū fèi) Dry-Fried Pig Lungs, a uniquely textured home-cooked dish. Its vibrant red appearance, crispy pig lungs, and delectable aroma make it truly mouthwatering. This dish not only offers a distinctive texture but also provides nutritional richness, containing protein, fat, vitamins, and other essential nutrients that benefit overall health. As…

Delicious Dry-Fried River Shrimp

Dry-Fried River Shrimp 干煸河虾 (gàn biān hé xiā) Comprehensive rating: PREP TIME COOK TIME VARIETY MOUTHFEEL LEVEL 15 min 25 min 10 Crunchy Moderate RATE THIS RECIPE : ★★★★☆ Ingredients for Dry-Fried River Shrimp: River Shrimp 500g Celery 50g Onion 50g Starch 20g Salt 3g Sugar 1g Peanut Rice 20g Dried chilli 20g Cumin powder…

Easy recipe for Hawthorn Meat Chunks

Hawthorn Meat Chunks 山楂肉段 (shān zhā ròu duàn)Hawthorn Meat Chunks, a dish full of appetizing flavors. Its outer coating of golden flour envelops tender and juicy meat, perfectly complemented by the tanginess of hawthorn, creating a mouthwatering sensation. This dish not only offers a unique texture but also showcases vibrant colors, with a delightful combination…

Green Pepper Tofu Skin Recipe

Green Pepper Tofu Skin  青椒豆腐皮(qīng jiāo dòu fǔ pí) Green Pepper Stir-Fried Tofu Skin is a nutritious and uniquely textured home-cooked dish. Its vibrant appearance gives a refreshing feel. The combination of tofu skin and green peppers adds richness to the dish’s texture. The preparation method for stir-fried tofu skin with green peppers is simple…