Long bean

Long beans 长豆角 ( Cháng dòu jiǎo ) Classification: Genus Vigna in the family Fabaceae Calories: 30kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promote digestion、 Lower blood sugar and promote weight loss、 Supplement vitamins Not suitable for: Abdominal bloating Introduction: Long beans are a vegetable commonly harvested during the summer.They contain various vitamins and minerals.The tender pods have plump flesh and…

Duck feet

Duck feet 鸭掌 ( yā zhǎng ) Calories: 150kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty and beauty、Strong bones、 Delay aging Not Suitable for: Renal disease Introduction: Duck feet are the foot and claw part of a duck. They are characterized by their abundance of tendons, thick skin, and lack of meat.The presence of many tendons provides a chewy…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck liver

Duck liver 鸭肝( yā gān ) Calories: 128kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the blood and liver、Protect the eyes、Enhance immunity Not Suitable for: Liver disease、Hypertension、Coronary heart disease、High cholesterol Introduction: Duck liver is one of the organ meats from a duck and is rich in nutrients.Duck liver is abundant in vitamin A, which plays a role in protecting…

Categorized as Duck, Meat


Dove 鸽子( gē zi ) Calories: 141kcal/g Nutritional Value: Promote blood circulation、supplement nutrients、nourish the skin and hair Not Suitable for: Gout、hepatitis Introduction: Dove meat is tender and delicious.Doves have a particularly high nutritional value, containing not only abundant carbohydrates and proteins but also rich nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin B, vitamin A, iron, calcium,…

Categorized as Meat


Bullfrog 牛蛙 (niú wā) Calories: 80kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the heart and calm the nerves、 Delay aging、Nourish Not Suitable for: Gout、Nephritis Introduction: Bullfrog  is a large edible frog known for its delicious and tender meat.It is not only flavorful but also rich in nutrients, making it both a culinary delight and a valuable source of…

Categorized as Meat


Goose 鹅 ( é ) Calories: 251kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Supplementing qi、Nourishing the body Not Suitable for: Weak stomach and intestines、Cardiovascular disease Introduction: Goose is a herbivorous bird with significant nutritional value.Goose meat has a warming nature, making it suitable for consumption during cold seasons. It can help regulate the body’s internal temperature, enhance physical fitness,…

Categorized as Meat


Rabbit 兔肉 ( tù ròu ) Calories: 102kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Replenish qi、Cool blood and detoxify Not Suitable for: Pregnant women、Women during menstruation、Deficiency of spleen and stomach Introduction: Rabbit meat  has a cool nature and sweet taste.It enjoys a good reputation in the international market and is often referred to as “health meat,” “beauty meat,”and “versatile…

Categorized as Meat

Chinese forest frog

Chinese forest frog 雪蛤 ( xuě há ) Calories: 113kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty and skin care、Improve immune function Not Suitable for: Diabetes、Diarrhea Introduction: Chinese forest frog is a precious amphibian of the frog family,which belongs to the category of tonic traditional Chinese medicine.Chinese forest frog has a strong odour,with a slightly sweet taste and a…

Categorized as Meat


Quail 鹌鹑 ( ān chún ) Calories: 110kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Replenish kidney、Diminish swelling、 Treat indigestion Not Suitable for: Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases Introduction: Quail belongs to the family Phasianidae in the order Galliformes.It is commonly said,”If you want to eat poultry, go for pigeons and quails.”Quail meat is delicious and nutritious.It contains abundant lecithin, which…

Categorized as Meat

Donkey meat

Donkey 驴肉 ( lǘ ròu ) Calories: 151kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Invigorate the qi and enrich the blood、 calm the nerves and stabilize the heart、stop bleeding Not Suitable for: deficiency and cold of spleen and stomach Introduction: Donkey meat refers to the meat of a donkey.It is highly praised by people, as they say “dragon meat…

Categorized as Meat